I’m honestly curious to hear from guys who have done this. Why? Has it ever worked for you? I can’t imagine that a woman would receive it well (a woman who is a stranger to you)

  1. Only a complete brain dead douchebag would send a dick pic without it being requested.

    But yes…upon request I have sent many. Here is the deal, a girl that’s into you may want D pics all the time…and some only like the real deal.

  2. Yes, but only when it was consensual.
    I’d never send anything like that without full and explicit consent or by request and even then it would be with someone who i have connected well with through a chat/phone call (without having met that person in real life yet).
    99.9% it escalates from there in a good way and end up being a lot of fun in the lead to a real thing in person after that. It also makes that in person meet a lot easier and exciting.
    That’s my experience anyway.

  3. My policy is that if she wants to see it. It has to be in person, with a blindfold, looking at it as if she were blind.

  4. Sending unsolicited dick pics never works. I would never do it as I see it as a form of abuse. But, sending solicited dick pics to women I met online and requested them has worked for me three times.

  5. The thing about men who do this is they’ll never admit it. No matter how many times this question has been asked, you won’t find anyone willing to fess up to sending unsolicited d pics. This leads me to believe they know it’s wrong, but do it anyway.

  6. Funny story. I’ve only ever sent one, and it was to my best friend accidentally. Like I was talking to this girl and him at the same time on the same app. She wanted to see, I went to respond to my friend’s message before just closing the app and taking the picture. Opened the app and immediately sent it before I realized I was still in his chat. This was before unsending messages so I just spammed him begging not to scroll up in the chat but he did anyway. Last time I ever sent one. Decided to just not send to the girl. Guys still my best friend.

  7. I’ve only sent a dick pic after receiving a pic lol. I don’t know how guys can just fire them off

  8. Older and inexperienced with online dating sites, I honestly had no idea what a dick pic was until I started matching up and talking to a few women.

    Their very first comment was always “don’t send me any dick pics” …. and I’m like “are you for real, is that really a thing these days”, and sadly, they all answered “yes, it’s all we ever get and we’re sick of it “.

    Literally thought “ fck, old fashioned dating has gone downhill since I was last on the scene.

  9. sending unrequested nude photos of yourself to complete strangers is SA. so, guys.. don’t do this. imagine walking down the street and suddenly someone pulls their pants down in front of you.

  10. Unrequested dick pics are not cool. I usually ask for one and send something of myself in return.

  11. Everytime a man sent it to me randomly I have been disgusted. Idk why they think that would work

  12. Never done it. All my female friends who’ve gotten it wish they didn’t.

  13. Female here.

    Turns out guys don’t like having an unsolicited dick pic sent back in response to theirs 🤷‍♀️

    I wonder why…

  14. Unfortunately I used to be one of those assholes that would send unsolicited dick pics. I don’t do it anymore, I used to be pretty insecure and just plain dumb.

    It could go a few ways. Obviously if you’re chatting and flirting and things are going that way you can ask if she wants to see or she can ask, and assuming everyone involved says yes it’s a happy time.

    With the unsolicited stuff it was either if I was just looking to hook up with that person, or if we’d been chatting and it was clear things weren’t going to go anywhere so it would essentially a “fuck it, may as well try to get laid” kind of deal. It only ever worked out well for me twice, once with one of the hook up people (I imagine they were just looking to hook up as well and I just happened to time it right and caught their eye) and once with someone things were going nowhere with. I’m a bigger guy in that department and I got the impression that both of them literally just wanted to try with a big guy so if I hadn’t had that going for me it would never have happened.

  15. I’ve never sent d pics to a girl unprompted. But I have posted d pics on reddit and got a girl from that, plus lots of attention from other girls.

  16. I enjoy a dick pick if I’ve been talking / seeing them for a while. Not if it’s day 1 of talking though

  17. I’ve only done it with girls I was dating or had been hooking up for awhile while sexting. If you just do it unsolicited to a girl you barely know you’re an idiot

  18. In my experience most women do not care for dick pics. They’re more attracted to full body pics and I wouldn’t send nudes unsolicited, only in response to her nudes and if she asks

  19. I don’t speak for all women here, but for me I love receiving dick pics, i like seeing the pleasure I’m giving.
    I’m particular in who i share with and like to find out if I match sexually with a guy first.
    Send me a dick pic before certain things are established and youve instantly lost lol.
    This stands for weather I am looking for someone to sext or me and my man are looking for a guy / couple to play with

  20. You know what? Yes. It probably has worked for someone. But I’d say 99.9% of the time NO.
    I’ve had a female friend tell me how to send a GOOD dick pick and surprise no nudity. But just raw naked dick? Probably not going to work.

  21. Am I weird that I don’t get aroused by dick picks like even if they are from someone I like?

  22. Gay guys love receiving (consented upon) dick pics. Literally every guy I’ve dated has asked for dick pics. Women in my experience it depends. Probably about 50/50 with women.

    I have never sent an non-consented dick pick so I can’t comment on whether or not that works.

  23. 🍿 *sits back and waits to hear even one success story about random D pics*

  24. I wonder if it isn’t for another purpose. It’s been said sexual violence can be about control / power over the woman, and perhaps this is just an extension of that. The disgust and upsetting of the woman might be the point in of itself.

  25. So was talking to someone online about that topic. And as far as what he said” it’s matter of numbers, send to 100 different girls and one will say yes”. So apperently the success rate is 1% 🥴

  26. When I was younger I sent some. Never to a random girl that I just started talking to. Always were requested so it worked out well. Ha

  27. Its never worked for me. Everyone of my potential employers has blocked me and threatened legal action if I continued.

  28. I saw someone comment on a similar question a few months ago that it was generally a statistical game: he’d sent dick picks to dozens of women that he had matched with, and there would typically be 1 or 2 who would show interest. Those 1 or 2 were already pre-selected as dtf, and he didn’t have to, as he put it, “waste his time” with the other 90%.

  29. Yes. I don’t send them. I get super iffy even if asked cause I just don’t want it out there. But I have known a few of the overly cocky, usually narcissistic types with an inflated sense of ego and probably a nice D. They’d send out like 12, 11 women would be thoroughly disturbed, but there would be that 1 thirsty girl who takes him up on his offer. As long as he gets that 1, he keeps doing it. I admire the confidence, and that it works out, but no doubt they are the type of people that as you get to know them, you keep a level of distance between them. Two faced, judgy, inflated ego, narcissistic, etc. Plus, why disturb 11 women just to get laid once?

  30. I believe it’s a matter of getting off on crossing someone’s boundaries, and also possibly some level of just being an exhibitionist.

    Here in Texas it’s a class C misdemeanor, and they DO pursue it.

  31. To go on a tangent, is there a tendency for senders of unsolicited dick pics to not even trim their privates?

  32. Getting an unsolicited dick immediately results in me blocking them, no exceptions

  33. I’ve NEVER sent one to a woman who didn’t request it.

    But I’ve had multiple women request one and love it.

  34. Men fantasize about seeing women naked so men assume most women would like a pic of their dick. Most women would not care to see your long fingernails and 5 inch pubes with your feet in the bottom of the pic

  35. I am pretty sure that men are sending it not as a way to try and hook up with a woman, but as a form of harassment. A method of exercising and feeling power over a vulnerable. A practice in harming without being harmed back. I’d wager that the emotional desire to do so, and the satisfaction derived, is a close cousin of the desire to rip the wings off a butterfly.

  36. Only after she sends you something and asks for them, never unsolicited are you fucking nuts?

  37. i think they get off on the fact that they don’t want them, it’s not that they’re hoping it’ll be appreciated

  38. I feel like y’all don’t get the question.
    Of course CONSENSUAL pics would work.

  39. It disgusts me whenever a guy does that. What makes men think we want to see that? It does nothing but repulse (most of) us.

  40. If a guy flashed you, it’s perverted. If a guy sends you an unsolicited dick pick, it’s perverted.

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