So this story begins like any other:

I (33M) matched with a cute women (39F) on Coffee Meets Bagel. We had a brief conversation on there before moving to Discord. We had a lot in common – nerdy, into similar games etc. During our back and forth she ended up sending me her Bumble profile on Discord, which had a more robust bio to show me. I than reciprocated, took screenshots of my Bumble profile and sent her mine. And this is where everything went downhill.

She sent me a message “Oh you’re into horror šŸ˜¬” which I thought was no big deal – I told her after sci-fi/fantasy horror is my next favorite genre. We then talked about not seeing eachother on Bumble, which we accounted for my age search preferences. I told her that being 39 wasn’t a deal breaker for me, which she replied “As far as dating goes, my only real deal breakers are liking horror or playing blizzactivision games”.

Now previously we had a discussion about Blizzard/Activision and that I don’t play their games anymore, although ironically she was sending me OW play of the game clips. Not sure why exactly this was also a deal breaker, but we at least moved on from it.

But here’s the kicker: liking horror was an actual deal breaker. Surely she was jesting, so I’d asked her if I’m already out for the count. She quickly replied with “Mhm”.

After some comments/questioning on my end, she mentioned she had her reasons why but didn’t want to explain. Since I’m no longer a potential suitor, she quickly followed up with the classic “well if you’re not open to being friends just say so lol”.

For a brief moment, I wanted to tell her that not liking horror was the most outlandish and ridiculous deal breaker I have ever heard. But I decided to take the moral high ground, and close it up saying that if liking horror overshadows the rest of the person I am than so be it. I was blocked shortly after.

My question is this: am I crazy, or was this women completely off her rocker? When I think of deal breakers here’s what comes to mind: excessive drugs/smoking/alcohol use, no job, unhygienic, kids/not wanting kids etc. Who knew reading Stephen King would be such a red flag.

Anyone else have similar tales?

  1. She could have been more gracious with how she communicated it for sure, but if that’s a dealbreaker for her it’s a dealbreaker for her. It doesn’t have to make sense to you. If I were to take a wild guess maybe she has personal history with something violent and it’s hard for her to engage with that type of content as entertainment? Anyway, sorry this didn’t work out šŸ™

  2. I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m close in age to this woman (a little older) and I guarantee that very soon she’s going to have to reevaluate her deal breakers if she wants to form a lasting connection with someone. As a fellow horror, sci Fi and fantasy lover, if someone views that as a deal breaker, well they can just kick rocks with open toed shoes. Letting something like this overshadow who you are as a person is pretty petty IMO. maybe she had a bad experience, but either way, not the person for you.

  3. Iā€™ve known more than a couple people whoā€™ve had unsettling, violent experiences in their lives and horror is a trigger theyā€™re just not willing to risk being around.

    Even if itā€™s books or movies their partner would never insist they read or watch, youā€™re still getting into a relationship with someone who youā€™re going to have to insist never talks about or shares one of their key interests. That kinda sucks, frankly.

  4. Learning lesson my friend. You didn’t take the high ground by sending that last message. You didn’t do anything wrong and the time you’re spending worrying about it is a waste.

    Build some dignity and remember you’re in this game for yourself.

  5. She did you a favor. Also, she tested you and you failed. Donā€™t be too nice with women just play along. Those werenā€™t actually dealbreakers she just wanted to see how you reacted.

  6. I didn’t read past the first line because I’m astounded people actually use coffee meets bagel

  7. You took screenshots of your bumble profile for her. Did it have additional pics? Maybe she decided she didnā€™t like the cut of your jib. Or she had second thoughts for other reasons.

    Iā€™d keep rolling and forget about her asap. Possible she wasnā€™t serious at any point and just window shopping.

    Iā€™ve encountered weird women on dating sites before and I hit the road when nonsense like this pops up.

  8. You’re not crazy, it’s comical at this point, what the hell? Oh well, we can only control ourselves so just move on, and keep your head up, it has nothing to do with you. If it’s somehow a red flag for her then so be it.

  9. You dodged a bullet. Thatā€™s just ridiculous. I mean, if it was something that dominates your life and youā€™ve got posters and tattoos everywhere like and obsession, then maybe? But if you just like a certain type of movie and youā€™re not forcing it in her, then thatā€™s just stupid. Itā€™s not youā€™re into white nationalism or bestality or something.

  10. Literally the same happened to me! I’m a woman and horror is my favorite genre. I mentioned this to a guy on Bumble and he said it might be a dealbreaker as it could be a fundamental incompatibility. I laughed and said that I agree! It’s a fundamental incompatibility for me to date someone who thinks that movie/music/tv/art tastes are a meaningful measure of someone’s character!

    The guy I’m seeing now likes horror, but furthermore, he recognizes that who I am as a person is more important than the kind of media I consume šŸ™‚

  11. Armpit hairā€¦ yesā€¦ armpit hair on females specifically.

    First date she asked me my thoughts on girls with armpit hair. I told her that itā€™s not really my thing.

    She then goes on to tell me that she has a lot of it and that my ā€œpreferenceā€ was rooted in pedophilia.

    I ended the date shortly after that comment.

  12. the horror thing isn’t a dealbreaker for me, but arguing what my dealbreaker should or shouldn’t be is

  13. I even know about blizzard/activision. I could see why that could be someoneā€™s dealbreaker. Based on how you responded I have a feeling you missed out for more than just a film genre.

  14. Itā€™s because you referenced her age as being older by saying ā€œitā€™s not a dealbreaker.ā€ It implies being 39 is a problem for most guys but for you itā€™s okay which hurts so she probably just said that to insult you back.

  15. Iā€™m (31F) a huge horror fan. If I was looking for a partner and they said ā€œanything horror related is a ā€˜no-noā€™ for meā€ Iā€™d be like okay, peace! Itā€™s a huge part of my life and I couldnā€™t imagine wanting to be with someone Iā€™d have to hide that from. At least she was honest with you upfront about it.

  16. No deal breaker is weird. Simple association is enough. Maybe she had an abuser that likes horror. We don’t need reasons to like who we like.

  17. I am triggered by horror and even dystopia. So I feel for her. And I would not consider asking someone to drop it for my own sake . I just go away. In the present case I would not come near. As lover or friend.

  18. Dude, honestly who cares? She had a problem with you being into horror, not you. So itā€™s her issue. Why do you take it personal? Never question your own likes bro! You are who you are, and the more you accept that, the quicker you will get rid of the people who donā€™t like you for who you are. Iā€™m sure there are plenty of people out there celebrating you for who you are, exactly as you are, without needing to change one bit about your interests. Stick to them and forget all the people who try to make you feel bad about yourself.

    Next time, if someone says something so ridiculous to you, just say ā€œOk.ā€ and move on. Everything else is a waste of your time.

  19. It probably wasn’t the appreciation for horror, but whatever her hang-up really was/is, that’s on her, not you, since she didn’t bother to explain anything. Could be she was even just feeling you out without any other intent.

    Ladies can have whatever red flags they like, but they’re not really your red flags if you don’t know about them. Just move on and move forward man.

  20. I conducted a focus group for people on dating apps once. One woman said that sheā€™s pickier on apps than in person.

    I asked what she meant. She said ā€œLike, if a guyā€™s favorite movie is Die Hard. Thatā€™s a deal breaker for me on a dating app. But if he told me that in person, Iā€™d ask more questions to learn why before deciding itā€™s a deal breaker because maybe he has a good reason.ā€

    Another girl chimed in. ā€œYeah. Like, on a dating app, I would turn someone down because their name was Kevin. I would never do that in-person.ā€

    People be crazy, man.

  21. I always side eye someone who likes horror. There’s people who will like to watch it, and then there’s people that get a weird bloodlust over it. It’s the second group of people I try to avoid. Psychological thrillers, campy ghost/creature movies I’m fine with – but gore/torture/rape-revenge – if people say this is in their top 10 I nope out.

  22. My dealbreaker is mustard if they like yellow mustard. And yes, I know thatā€™s like the weirdest thing in the world but I canā€™t stand it.

  23. Some people think that liking horror films is some kind of weird “tell” that gives away some sinister aspect of your character, like everyone who enjoys them must be some kind of psychopath in the making.

    Next time you meet someone who hates horror, ask them if they listen to true crime podcasts. The results may be entertaining.

    But yeah, if she was that uptight over something as silly as a genre of film/novels, you dodged a problem person for sure.

  24. No deal breaker is unreasonable. Period. Sheā€™s definitely not off her rocker.

  25. To me it sure sounds odd, donā€™t care what genre people enjoy. The closest Iā€™ve encountered was someone I met only wanted to date those who liked the same kind of music they did.

  26. As a big horror buff myself, Ive had a date run out of my house when they saw my horror collection. (Posters, movies, figures). I make it a point to only date other horror buffs now. It’s just easier for me.

  27. There are more than 7 billion people on this planet. Her deal breakers are hers. End of story. Move on.

  28. Wow. This whole scenario sounds like two young teenagers. Smh. Weā€™re doomed if this is what itā€™s like in your 30ā€™s now, or approaching 40.

  29. In another genre, you’d be amazed at the “excuses” that VCs tell startups when they do not invest. Sometimes the sentences put together don’t even make sense.

    She just did not feel like pursuing.

    I would just move on!

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