What say, Sut?

  1. The few books I read were decent enough. Got a couple more on my TBR list. Wouldn’t call myself a big fan, though.

    I’ve read The Road and No Country for Old Men.

  2. Damn!:/

    Yes, I’m a long time fan of his work. Ever since 1979, and “[Suttree](https://caseantiques.com/wp-content/uploads/auctions/2023-01-28/719_1.jpg)”.

    Backstory; I was off work, and a bit damaged, and part of my prescribed therapy was to take a bit of a walk. Therefore I basically haunted the local library where a wonderful librarian turned me on to his new novel. I felt kind of like I was reading the modern “Cannery Row”.

    I haven’t missed a single publication of his since.

    *I ain’t no Infidel, don’t pay no mind to what they say.*


    *I always figured they was a God.*


    *I just never did like him.*

  3. I feel like I read All the Pretty Horses years ago but can’t remember it. Never read the book, but No Country for Old Men is one of my favorite movies, but I am a huge Coen Brothers fan.

  4. I was planning on reading his books I mean I still am, but it’s a sad then again he was pretty old, so yeah

  5. Fan. Sad day. My spouse summed it up well though: he lived a life producing great works, reached millions of people, and was recognized for his literature in his lifetime. If you’re gonna go out at 89, it’s not a bad way to go.

  6. I just met a guy wearing an old Blood Meridian ball cap at a playground. Ended up saying hi and complimenting him on his amazing hat.

    Cormac and Larry McMurtry are two of my favorites and we’ve lost them both now.

  7. Yep. For my money, my favorite two American writers are McCarthy and Vonnegut.

    Blood Meridian is one of the most incredible American novels ever written.

    Truly a massive loss.

  8. Yup.

    I read The Road shortly after becoming a dad and it immediately shot to one of my top titles.

    I hate to see him go, I hope he rests easy.

    Unpopular opinion: as much as I love No Country for Old Men, it’s one of the only examples I can’t think of where the movie is better than the book; the book is great, but that movie is a fucking *masterpiece.* however, they both command respect.

    Unpopular opinion part deux: Blood Meridian is too hard to read to be enjoyable. It really needs quotation marks.

  9. Tragic for American literature. Just read The Passenger recently, need to read Stella Mariss soon.

  10. Damn… no way, I just recently read Blood Meridian for the first time a few weeks back too.

    I look at all these villains from film and literature just feels so generic and “meh”, but McCarthy just got this knack for creating antagonist characters that just makes my skin crawl and feel actual genuine fear for the main protagonists if there are any.

  11. I read Blood Meridian and The Road and have seen No Country for Old Men. I found his writing style a bit annoying but liked the stories well enough.

  12. Fuuuuckkkkkk that’s horrible to hear. One of the greatest American writers, I’m sorry I won’t be able to just keep reading him in perpetuity

  13. I haven’t read everything he wrote, but I feel like a lot of what he had to say could be summarized in Sunset Limited. To my reading, Blood Meridian was just a longer, action-packed historical narrative that ultimately just encapsulated the same philosophical questions: is life worth living or should we kill ourselves.

    I’m happy to hear that I’m wrong from bigger fans than myself, but he seemed to be an existentialist pondering whether life was worth living or not. Like the two protagonists in Sunset Limited or the husband and wife in The Road: for some of us the answer is Yes, for some of us the answer is No.

    If I sound critical, I really did enjoy The Sunset Limited. For myself, I think more like the professor than the pastor, but I tend to come to the same ultimate conclusions as the pastor -despite my beliefs, I’m not compelled to step in front of a train.

    All that to say, he’s a remarkable author much loved by fans, and he didn’t choose the same fate as Hemingway, so I regret the fact that I never got to ask him about his works. RIP.

  14. My favorite author. He was old, but still, damn.

    I hope the Blood Meridian adaptation lives up to the material.

  15. I wouldn’t say I’m a super fan, but I think all three of his books that I’ve read (No Country for Old Men, the Road, and the Crossing) were definitely worth reading. I really do need to read more of his stuff, but I’ve mostly transitioned to audiobooks in recent years, and I don’t think his writing style would translate properly to audio.

  16. Had several of his novels in my back pocket to be read. Sucks to hear, glad that his works will live on.

  17. I just started Blood Meridian a few days ago, it’s insane. I can’t wait to finish it.

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