For example; I live in Idaho and I constantly see plates from Utah and Oregon driving around. Since North Idaho can feel like a different state sometimes, I’m sure that they see more Washington and Montana roaming their neck of the woods. However, I think that Utah takes the cake for the most visitors to Idaho because Idaho has the 2nd highest Mormon population (Percentage Wise) so a lot of people in Utah have family in SE Idaho.

  1. Massachusetts and New York. I’ve also been seeing a lot of Texas plates lately – not sure if there are a lot of them or if I’m just noticing them more.

  2. Texas, Colorado, Arizona, California, Chihuahua. Not necessarily in that order

  3. Hard to answer because Tennessee borders 8 states. I personally see alot of Kentucky, North Carolina, and Georgia plates because I am in East Tennessee. I also see a lot of New York plates because a lot of them are looking for property in the area. The rarest plate I have seen is Chihuahua Mexico, I was shocked to see it

  4. In Oklahoma, this would be a trick question because of all the indian tribes. I see mostly tribal plates, Texas would be the most from an actual US state.

  5. New York.

    A lot of people move to NJ and keep their NY plates, and so my neighborhood is like 50/50 NY/NJ

  6. In Maine we see a huge spike in out of state license plates in the summer.

    Mainly from Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and some from Florida.

    There’s also a spike in Texas plates locally because of out of state contractors building solar panels.

  7. Indiana or Wisconsin, although I’ve been seeing a lot more Texas and Florida plates recently too. Probably snowbirds coming back for the summer.

  8. Depends where in the state. Northern Oregon has more Washington plates, southern has more California plates.

  9. I’m on Long Island. One would think it would be New Jersey but it’s actually Virginia. There are a lot of people who permanently live here but some how have Virginia plates. I think it’s an insurance thing. No idea how so many get away with it or how they do it or if it’s even worth it.

  10. Texas or California. But to be fair I live in a large military town so, we pretty much see plates from EVERYWHERE.

  11. I grew up in NJ near the Shore. The amount of NY plates everywhere from Memorial Day to Labor Day every year is staggering, especially considering the friendly rivalry we have with our neighbors

  12. Year round: New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, & Michigan. Lots more variety come winter (snow birds) & spring (MLB spring training/spring break).

  13. I’m from southwest Idaho and down there it was always California or Nevada.

    I currently live in North Dakota and constantly see Utah, Idaho, and Montana. The playe game is actually pretty fun here because there are sooooo many oilfield workers from EVERYWHERE. I had never seen a plate from Maine before so that was exciting…..I live a very boring life- don’t judge me.

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