I’ve been married for six years and in the last year we have been sleeping separately on and off . We have two year old triplets and life just kind of got here with kids l . Sometimes I feel guilty of how much I like the fact we sleep separately and we still hang out ,have fun and end of night do our own thing. Sometimes I can see how it affects our sex life but we try to when can but could be better. Has anyone experience this or has a success marriage with this arrangement ?

  1. I mean….

    I’m currently replying to you from my living room couch and my husband is sleeping in our bed as we speak as well. Ten minutes before he went to sleep we screwed. I’m totally content. He’s totally content. He just goes to bed earlier because of work so I chill on the couch (usually fall asleep an hour or two after him) until he wakes up, maybe screw again, make him food, send him to work and then go back to bed in our bed.

    We have a four year old as well. She sleeps until mid morning.

    We’ve found what works for us and that’s what matters. Same for you!

  2. We sleep seperarely from time to time when it benefits us. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it if it works for you and your husband.

  3. We often sleep separately. We find we both get a much better nights sleep most of the time. We’ll sleep in the same bed for several days, but then one of us will have trouble sleeping, or snore, or have to get up early, and we go back to separate beds for awhile.

  4. I haven’t slept with my wife in years. Reasons:

    * I have spine problems and require a very hard bed, whereas she prefers soft.

    * She is an extremely loud snorer.

    * I fart insanely.

    * Our preferred sleep schedules are drastically different. I wake up around 3 AM most days and try to get to sleep around 8 PM. She adheres to a more typical schedule than that.

    * She prefers an extremely cold room and I do not.

    * She likes weighted blankets and I hate them.

    All in all, there’s just a ton of good reasons not to. I can’t speak for her, but I track a lot of things I do and sleep quality and duration make by far the greatest difference to my overall wellbeing, and it those things improve a lot when I’m sleeping in my way.

    I don’t feel guilty at all and it hasn’t affected our sex life. As long as she actually comes home before I’m asleep, which is true most nights, we have sex. Then she goes downstairs and does whatever she does while I go to sleep. Then I wake up really early and do a bunch of stuff while she’s still sleeping. And we don’t disturb each other. It works fine. I see no reason that physical proximity while you’re not conscious has to mean anything to relationship quality.

  5. We sleep separately due to our toddler… I was on mat leave for a year and wanted my husband to rest instead of waking up to help me. It dragged even until now. It definitely affected our sex life. I miss him, I miss sleeping next to him.
    Last time we had sex was when we conceived… Until about 30 mins ago!!! We had sex!!! Felt so good.
    I lost interest in sex (and I was always horny) due to a few reasons. I’m back though lol

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