Growing up in Cincinnati, it was a long time before I realized there are multiple tri-state areas in the US besides the OH/KY/IN one.

  1. Jersey, New York, Connecticut, but in South Jersey it’s jersey, Delaware, Penn. I don’t know though

  2. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, I think. It’s in reference to the states that are partially covered by the by the NYC metro area.

  3. That’s NY, NJ & CT, right? I really only hear it on TV, it’s not something that comes up around here

  4. Maine borders one state… this is an impossibility.

    I think if I had to pick one tri state area it would be the OH, KY, IN one just because that’s what I heard growing up.

  5. I honestly don’t think of an area. it’s just a term I hear from time to time

  6. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana, but only because :tri state” reminds me of the tri state tornado back in the early 1900s that went through that area. I live on the west coast btw

  7. I always thought nj/ny/pa because half of nj was nyc suburb and the other half was Philadelphia suburb. Took me until high school to realize Connecticut was the other 3rd. Made sense but no sense given they’re also part of New England, but whatever

  8. New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania.

    I love how many comments there are for New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. But I was a child of Central Jersey. It’s telling how much of an impact my experiences had on my understanding of the phrase “tri-state area.” “The City,” was by default New York, but could mean Philadelphia given the right context. I had one set of grandparents in New York State, and the other set in Pennsylvania. NJ-NY-PA just makes sense to me. These were the three flavors of the Neapolitan mix of states that occupied my childhood world.

  9. We have a designated tri state area in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, otherwise known as Delmarva.

  10. Ohio, West Virginia & Pennsylvania.

    I live in the northern panhandle of WV in the Ohio Valley so I constantly hear the phrase tri-state area. I can drive 10 minutes down the road to be in Ohio or Pennsylvania.

  11. Being right in the middle of NJ, there are three possibilities:

    * NJ, NY, and CT
    * NJ, NY, and PA
    * NJ, PA, and DE

    #1 and #3 are most common, unsurprisingly based on whether it’s the New York or Philadelphia area.

  12. NY NJ PA, I’ve never heard tri-state used to describe any other three states but I looked it up on Wikipedia. TIL.

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