Let’s say there is a couple who are experiencing normal signs of aging, like wrinkles and hair loss, and as a result their attraction to each other diminishes. The love and respect are still there. What advice would you give to them?

  1. Then their attraction needs a deeper foundation. I understand losing attraction when one stops taking care of themselves, gets lazy, unmotivated etc… but normal wrinkles and hair color you literally don’t even notice as you live along until you see old pictures.

  2. I cannot comprehend why aging would make your spouse less attractive, it’s part of life, living together.

  3. True love is blind to the effects of time. Married to the most beautiful lady I have ever met for the past five decades. đź’• our secret is never stop communicating and keep the flame of romance burning bright.

  4. That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard. People know when they grow they age, they lose hair, they get wrinkles etc. You keep dating/romancing them. For wrinkles I suggest a good skincare routine nothing it’s normal

  5. If the couple has been together during that aging, they don’t notice.

    Attraction doesn’t diminish because of age. In fact, if the other part of your statement is true (love and respect still) attraction increases.

    You have lived through all the things with your spouse. You have held tight through those rough and stormy times and you have happily rejoiced in the good times. You’ve seen the good, the bad, the bizarre.

    Of course you don’t care about a random gray hair, less hair or wrinkles. You care about the person….Their heart and soul and spirit so much more than their physical appearance.

    We’ve been married 30 years. I think he is so much more attractive now, and he was incredible then. He thinks I’m beautiful. Trust me, he needs his eyes checked 🤣 But that’s the point. We are not at all in any way experiencing a diminishing attraction.

  6. That they don’t actually understand what attraction is, and probably never really had it to each other in the first place.

    Attraction is immensely more than just physical appearance. If you are noticing the natural signs of aging in a negative way, then your “attraction” was purely superficial, and I don’t buy that “the love and respect is still there.” If it was, the attraction wouldn’t be diminishing.

    It’s a privilege to age with the person you love. Every grey hair, every wrinkle, is time together you were not promised.

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