Hi all, I (M18) can’t stop thinking about my ex girlfriend (F19) of about a year ago. Things ended because I cheated on her, which is something I haven’t been able to forgive myself for, and find myself constantly thinking about it, every day especially since I saw her the other day in passing. She’s the only person I’ve loved, I’m a completely different person then I was at the time, and I find myself wondering how I could ever do such a thing to her, and how much I would give to be able to start things over. How can I get out of this mindset? Does anyone have any advice on moving forward? And being able to accept and forgive myself?

  1. You’re a stupid kid doing stupid kid shit. Just allow yourself time to grow. Everyone experiences stuff like this at your age.

    That relationship is over. Don’t try to rekindle things, that’s foolish. You can always love her, but as time goes on that love will change from romantic to platonic, as it should.

    I know she’s your first, and greatest, love. And that’s great. You got to experience something beautiful. Let that experience inform how you want to approach relationships in the future. Learn from it.

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