Hello I’ve made a new account to make things easier but I used to frequent reddit on a \~ variety of subreddits lol. I’m (21 nonbinary) but long story short I’ve just broken up with someone after realizing I can’t be in a relationship right now because I’m just starting to process the past ten years of continued sexual trauma, hyper sexuality, porn addiction, etc. and so I havent masturbated in weeks, probably the longest I’ve gone in years because at least right now the idea of sex or any kind of intimancy was kind of revolting (like the pendulum swinging the other way) but the problem is I’m getting just plain horny/ sexually frustrated but at this point I have a lot of shame and fear around it. Both just general shame and fear that I won’t be able to do it in a “healthy way”. I should also clarify that like me being horny now is still probably only about 50% of what me being horny before my whole kind of trauma unpacking/ realization was. Like now if I switch to focusing on something else I can go do it but before it was almost like a need.



  1. If there was an addiction to masturbation then maybe worth trying to examine and work through your trauma history first

  2. A decade of trauma and hypersexuality can’t be unpacked easily here. Masturbation isn’t really your issue. It can be difficult to find a good therapist who you click with that specializes in sexual trauma.

    Have you already reached out for professional help unpacking some of that stuff or would you need help doing so?

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