Specifically thinking about cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and apples.

  1. Never got the point to peeling any of this. I do peel my mash potatoes but that’s about it.

  2. Plain mostly. Though I’ll peel floury skinned potatoes because those skins just don’t boil well

  3. Cucumber usually peel but will eat with it on

    Carrots get peeled as they look a bit dirty on the outside

    Potatoes depends on how I’m preparing them.

    Apples plain

  4. Some things need peeling, some things don’t! Depends on the specific variety too. I grow some cucumbers that specifically are varieties for cooking that definitely have to be peeled (the thicker skin is what helps keep them sturdy enough to grow longer and get bigger, and they are much less watery than typical cukes – they’re closer to a non-sweet melon than what you’d think of as a cucumber), but the ones for fresh eating I usually don’t peel. Likewise some varieties of tomatoes meant to be grown for tomato paste have very thick, tough skins but most do not need to be peeled at all imo.

  5. Potatoes and carrots get peeled, cucumbers and apples do not. How would you even peel a tomato? No way it’s worth the trouble.

  6. I like to peel cucumbers so they have stripes for salads. They just look so pretty.

    I don’t always peel potatoes for mashed. It depends on what kind of potato I am using.

  7. Carrots always get peeled.

    Potatoes are peeled if going in curry or soup, unpeeled otherwise.

    Sweet potatoes are never peeled.

    Apples are peeled for pies only.

    Peeling a tomato is difficult and almost always without purpose.

    The correct way to peel a cucumber is to haphazardly run the peeler across it a few times so there’s little points of peel left at the corners of a rounded hexagon.

  8. It depends on the type or purpose. For example, I wouldn’t peel mini cucumbers or those long, skinny English cucumbers with thin skin, but I usually peel the larger cucumbers with tougher and/or bitter skin. I don’t peel raw tomatoes; if I’m cooking with fresh tomatoes, I might blanch them quickly and peel them, depending on the recipe.

    I almost never peel potatoes. 1) I’m too lazy and 2) the peels are absolutely fine in most recipes that I prepare.

  9. Depends.

    Nice tender young cukes? Not peeled.

    Carrots? Yeah typically. The skin has a not-so-subtle dirt taste.

    Potatoes. Depends. I like crispy baked skin.

    Apples. peeled. They all have too much pesticide for the most part.

    Sweet potatoes. Always peeled.

    Tomatoes? Never. Even in homemade sauces.

  10. It depends on what I’m doing with them.

    I’ll peel a tomato if I’m making a sauce but not if I’m slicing it up for a sandwich. I’ll peel an apple if I’m making apple pie but not if I’m biting into it. Etc.

  11. I peel sweet potatoes, bananas, and large citrus. I prefer to eat unpeeled kiwi, apples, kumquats, and carrots. I do a partial peel on cucumbers and potatoes. Bell peppers and tomatoes get peeled if roasted and unpeeled if eaten raw.

  12. I peel all of those except apples and tomatoes most of the time. If I’m baking potatoes or sweet potatoes, I don’t peel them, but if they are going into a soup or roast, I do. If I’m eating a whole raw carrot, I usually just wash it. If I bake an apple pie, or applesauce, I generally peel them. I don’t like the bitter skin of cucumbers so I always peel them. I have never peeled a tomato in my life.

  13. plain. I don’t peel carrots or cucumbers or most things. Definitely mangoes and bananas, but little else.

  14. I peel most of fruits and veggies because of the chemicals. I know it takes away some vitamins too but this is the price. Also I used to work in fruits and veggies business and I’ve seen too much. If you buy something that is theoretically prewashed, please wash it good anyway, I’m tellin’ ya

  15. Depends on what the fruit or vegetable is and the dish it is going in.

    I peel regular cucumbers and carrots. Though, I usually buy English cucumbers and don’t peel them. Tomatoes I don’t peel unless making a sauce. I only peel apples when I make pie, never if I am just eating them fresh. I peel sweet potato if I am mashing them. I peel russet potatoes when I use them but I usually use Yukon gold or the red ones and don’t bother peeling them. I peel parsnips and rutabaga too. You really have to peel rutabaga because they get a waxed coating to keep them fresh.

    Sometimes I peel for the flavor (russet potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams, carrots, and cucumber).

    Sometimes I peel for the texture (apples, tomatoes, roasted red peppers)

  16. I used to peel cucumbers, but now that I get the small English/pickling cukes with tender skin and small seeds, I just eat them whole.

    I always peel carrots, even if they are washed.

    I never peel tomatoes – the peel helps them hang together when raw, and I don’t make sauce from scratch or do anything else that requires cooking raw tomatoes.

    I always peel potatoes. I can’t stand baked potatoes, and don’t like to make wedges or anything else with cut but unpeeled ones.

    I don’t really love sweet potatoes much (too sweet), but I usually buy them frozen (already peeled/mashed) if I want to use them in a dish.

    I peel apples for pie, but otherwise I just eat them whole.

  17. I only peel tomatoes when I am canning them. Otherwise peeling them seems unnecessary, though my grandmother always peeled them (using the boiling water method) when we ate them around the dinner table. Otherwise I would peel the root vegetables among that group. The rest are fine with peels.

  18. I peel carrots because that’s the way everyone in my family has always done it so it’s just second nature. Cucumbers I peel because it’s easier than trying to scrub the wax off of it. Everything else, I leave with the skin on unless the recipe calls for them to be skinned.

  19. 95% of the time I eat the peels on everything (except obvious ones where the peel isn’t really edible, like onions, garlic, citrus, etc.). Peels have a lot of vitamins and fiber, so they’re worth eating and the taste/texture doesn’t bother me. Plus, it’s way faster.

  20. Depends. I do like carrots peeled better, but not that much better. Sweet potatoes, I don’t typically eat the skin, but I’ll eat it out of the skin, so I never really peel it. The rest I tend to leave the skin on. If making mashed potatoes, I will leave some skin, but not all.

  21. >cucumbers

    Peeled. I don’t like the wax that grocery store ones have. Home-grown: un.


    Un. Just scrub them well.


    I have never peeled a tomato.



    >sweet potatoes




  22. It depends on what I’m making with it. When making an apple dessert, I’m peeling them. If I’m just snacking on one, I won’t peel it. Potatoes I’ll peel unless I’m making potato skins or baked potatoes, and same with sweet potatoes. Carrots I always peel. The rest I never do.

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