I’m honestly just curious (33m) I’ve had bad luck as far as it comes to dating. Whether it be by getting ghosted, or led on or miscommunication or not wanting to feel like I’m competing against others. I genuinely would love to meet the love of my life but ultimately I feel like it is just a fantasy, or a pipe dream at this point.

I will say though after deleting all my dating apps, and not being on them for months, I’ve seen how they are so addictive and that they give so false hope. But I’m willing to give it another shot but with a clearer picture in mind. Don’t know if I should or not. To describe myself the best way is that I’m a hard working guy who is pretty much an introvert/extrovert, who also happens to be socially awkward. Which also why I have trouble meeting people randomly. Don’t know what to do and slightly as you can probably tell in this post lol. Any suggestions?

  1. “Hoping for the best” is planning to fail. You will never meet someone if you’re expecting them to magically appear before you.

    You don’t have to get back on the dating apps but you do need to approach people and get out more. Dating apps suck but they allow you to meet people, practice flirting, and maybe even make a connection without having to go out, which is pretty valuable. If you don’t want to be on there that’s fine and understandable, but if you want a relationship without them, you’re going to have to be more social.

    Go out to bars, clubs, whatever and just start talking to people. You don’t have to make friends or find a date that way, but it’ll teach you how to socialize effectively. Then take what you learn to other aspects of your life, and you’ll find a robust pool of people interested in dating who aren’t on dating apps.

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