I finally get a gf and she is amazing. She comes over for a fire and eventually we’re in the bedroom getting intimate but I can’t insert it. It’s not fully erect but still I don’t know why I was struggling. Nerves I guess? She even got on top but that didn’t really work. Is there a technique or just practice?

  1. You’re probably just nervous and too much in your own head. Use lots of foreplay to get you as hard as possible. If you are using condoms, practice putting them on by yourself multiple times so you know what you are doing and don’t have to fumble with it. Finally, use lube! This will make it easier, especially if it’s her first time as well.

  2. Did you go down and finger her first? Doing that will ofc help you get familiar with the area, and giving her an orgasm first will help her vagina relax a bit. If she’s nervous or not aroused, the whole area can tighten up.

    As others said you do need to be hard or else it doesn’t work very well. If your penis isn’t cooperating, try not to sweat it, just do something else to basically change the subject and take the pressure off. If you get in your own head and worry about performing, it will just get worse.

  3. Try to be as hard as possible. Finger her a little and get used to that pussy. Get her all wet and take the tip of your hard dick and slide it down that pussy until you feel that opening

  4. You need to be hard. If you somehow magically got it in while not hard, it would very easily slip out. Finger her and/or eat her out to get her wet and if your soldier isn’t ready, have her give you head until you are hard.

    Most importantly: relax.

  5. While I’m here she’s also into rough sex, she seemed to get turned on when I slapped her during play but I’m not sure how to choke, ect I know you don’t crush the windpipe but it’s tricky

  6. The best thing I ever did was tell her, my first GF, that I was just too nervous (I was a virgin she wasn’t). She said she was a little nervous too. Then eventually (not that night, after a few weeks) we got it going. Not to be graphic, but once we talked about and I got comfortable, it got to epic rabbit fucking levels. But at the start it was very very hard (well soft).

    Being honest and communicating at the start was difficult. But just telling her what was going on with me made the huge difference.

    Communication gets thrown around this sub as the fixer of all problems… but it mostly is.

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