I feel like I’m too old to even have these type of problems but here we are. The friendship hasn’t explicitly ended, but last time we hung out with other friends, it was very obvious that I didn’t fit into the dynamic anymore and that the friendship had run its course.

We were friends through high school and college but after college, things just fell off, which is a bit expected. This friend has kept up with others in our old group of friends but my texts have long since gone unanswered. I struggle with social cues, but I can’t miss this sign.

I don’t know what to do about the conflicting and overwhelming emotions from it all. I know I should delete and block them on social media and that may help but I think having no friends now is what makes it harder. I’m recluse, past the age where it’s easy to make friends, etc. I just want tips on how to get through the pain of no longer having a long time friend. Thanks.

td;lr: Overgrown adult wants tips on getting over a dissolved friendship

  1. No need to delete and block, or you run the risk of causing unnecessary drama.

    If it’s Facebook, you can “unfollow” them so you don’t have to see their posts or be reminded of that feeling, if that’s what you’re worried about.

    Just quietly move on and make new friends. Don’t reach out. They won’t either, and that’ll be the end of it!

  2. Ghost them. Say nothing. If they reach out don’t be quick to respond and don’t be too available. Make it seem you have a life outside them. If they don’t, still have a life outside them

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