Honestly, it’s not as big of a surprise as people I know who are 30 or older have told me before.

So I am 28, and this year I have come to the conclusion I can’t drink alcohol or smoke weed anymore. I used to be able to smoke a joint and drink alcohol on Friday nights after a week of work to relax.

Now it’s the opposite. Even the slightest amount of alcohol destroys me the next day and I even feel uncomfortable when drunk. Same with weed. No more chilling but just anxiety highs.

I get it. Time to listen to my body. My mind and wallet will be pleased as well but I didn’t expect it to be this soon.

  1. I can’t drink like I did when I was ~~18~~ 21, but I can still drink a non-zero amount.

  2. I gave up drinking at 22 because of an ulcer. I never smoked weed beyond a couple of times because I didn’t enjoy it around that same age. So, I just got there earlier is all.

  3. Drink isn’t particularly disagreeable with me, that’s still OK. Haven’t smoked any weed since I was about 25/26 though so wouldn’t be able to help with that one. I would probably try and smoke as much as I used to straight off though and green out.

  4. I can, at most, have one rum and coke and I’ll be alright. If I have any more I feel terrible. I haven’t really touched alcohol since my early 30s. I’m 40 now.

  5. As long as I keep up hydration I can easily have 3 or 4 craft brews without feeling much in the morning I just have to prepare more but i drink alot of water with it and make sure I eat enough as well.

  6. Got sober at 31 but quit weed back in..college I think? Maybe a bit after I graduated. Always amped up my anxiety and didn’t really see a point in experimenting when I felt fine sober.

    Now is such a great time to be sober with all the NA options popping up everywhere, I rarely feel like I’m missing out on anything.

  7. Moderation is the word. I might have a drink or two to enjoy the quality of the drink or a new brewery, but days of drinking are long over. The enjoyment is equivalent to saying I ate a good meal at a restaurant, I didn’t go to the steak house to binge on 6 steaks.

  8. I kept drinking for far past when I should’ve stopped as self medication. Long COVID out of nowhere actually started with alcohol intolerance. Two sips and I’d have a splitting horrifying headache almost instantly.

    Silver lining is it helped me quit drinking in the very destructive way I was. I see no need to return, but I do have a drink at dinner rarely.

  9. For the alcohol yeah it takes me way too long to recover and I just feel sick after so many drinks. For the weed I used to smoke weed all day every day but now I can’t work like I’m Superman anymore while I’m stoned I just get super tired really easy

  10. Not really. I don’t drink frequently anymore but I can still handle 4-5 drinks in an odd evening out without much ill effect. My tolerance is very low now, I only drink a few times a year, so that’s a good amount of booze for me. I actually had a couple at a company thing a few nights back and I was doing comparatively well Friday morning.

    I still smoke, or more accurately vape, pretty regularly

  11. I’ve never smoked, and not been a very heavy drinker (but I’m British, so my definition of “not heavy” might be wildly different from some people’s). The alcohol thing I don’t really relate to, but then my drink of choice has always been vodka, which I’ve found is much less…impactful than other things. Too much red wine used to ruin me the next day, whereas I can knock vodka & diet cokes back all evening, in moderation and be fine the next day.

  12. You won’t regret it.

    I never drank much, but it usually left me feeling blah. Haven’t missed that at all.

    I might use an edible 3-4 times a year now, and that’s great fun. When I used too regularly, I also got anxiety.

    Your future self will thank you.

  13. Lots of us have experienced something similar. Look up ‘reverse tolerance.’ Doesn’t really matter what we think, your body seems to know the right answer. No shame in this. You’re just changing.

  14. Alcohol yes, but weed is still mostly treating me well. But I’m also not busting out a gravity bong or anything crazy.

  15. Literally me last night (27) I had 3 drinks over 2 hours still felt like crap for first few hours of today.
    Biggest think for me is the brain fog. I bit like when you start exercising and eating healthy, you don’t realise how much better you’ll feel when you get in to a good routine. My brain just formulates thoughts, maths, even sentences so much better after a few weeks off of the booze

  16. I stopped drinking at 28 after promising myself at 25 that I would quit before I turned 30 only so I could procrastinate further and still feel good about myself for “doing something” about it. I quit smoking earlier that same year after a few nightmares and a head injury told me to quit.

    Now I take nutrition, exercise, and sleep very seriously. I’m not trying to turn you into a teetotaler but at the very least slowing down dramatically would be great for you. You don’t want to have alcohol problems going into your 30s. Best of luck.

  17. Still have some drinks, way too much at times. Hangovers haven’t gotten noticeably worse but I also don’t drink like I used to mixing in sugary mixers and different types of liquor in the same night. Weed, fuck that stuff now. Panic attack the moment it sets in over the dumbest shit. Lasts like 15 minutes and just not worth it.

  18. Once you think of it as poisoning your body it becomes a lot easier to let it go. I just turned 30, pretty much stopped completely at 28, but even that was like 4 years overdue for me as I was drunk 6-7 nights a week between 19 and 26. I felt like complete death every day at about 25. Ironically, my previous anxiety with weed when I was younger is entirely gone these days. I can get beyond blasted after not smoking for months and still just chill. I’m thankful to be able to do that still at least.

  19. This is what I do, order the strongest IPA (8-9%). Biggest size. Drink it fast, feel the good feels for 1 hour. And then just water.

    Or two shots of tequila. Take it that I don’t drink often so I am light weight to alcohol now. If you drink before eating it makes effect faster too.

    But drink NO MORE than that.

  20. Yeah, I don’t drink to get drunk anymore or really that much either. No real reason other than waking up late with a hangover is for the birds and I like being able to do more than just drink in a day.

    So ill go have a bourbon slushee at some patio for an hour or so and then go about my day. Maybe the occasional night at some bar but I want to be up and going by 9 the next day without a headache.

  21. A few weeks ago I visited some friends I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. We made a weekend out of it, Friday to Monday morning. Alcohol was flowing like water, I’m talking breakfast beers, all day long. It took a solid week to get over that one (I’m 44), and not just physically. Like, I was emotionally fucked up, too. Definitely can’t handle that level of party anymore.

  22. I used to black out in my 20’s. Now if I try to black out I need wine and weed

  23. 37 here still drink like a fish but stay in good shape. Daily drinker also only get hungover if mixing liquor like dark/clear. Maybe try some cardio?

  24. I’m in my 50s. I still drink like I did in my 20s with zero issues. That said, I was never a heavy drinker. 3 or 4 in one night was always about my limit….and I only did that two or three times a year.

    And I’ve only been hung over once in my life (I was 20) so I can’t even sympathize on that front.

    All things in moderation?

    As for weed… I’ve never partaken so I can’t speak to that.

  25. A few years ago I found that beer just makes me bloated and gassy. A bit more experimenting found that its grain-based beer that does it. Something like Sapporo (rice-based) is totally fine. Guess this is to say that our bodies change and you just kinda have to roll with it.

    Instead I’ve gotten more into cocktails and interesting flavors there. That being said, 2 drinks is my max unless I really don’t want to feel great in the morning.

  26. Yeah I used to drink and smoke a lot in my early twenties. Now that I’m almost 30, I’ve stopped smoking weed and I only drink like 3-5 times a year.

  27. Same. When I was in my 30s I quit smoking weed because of the anxiety highs as well. It was awful. And dunking would suck if I had more than 1 drink. I mean suck. I’d be hurt for 2 days. So I quit smoking and I have an occasional drink.

  28. I stopped drinking at about 30. I’d get headaches almost immediately, then have a 2-day hangover. Though, I have friends in their 50’s who still drink with no ill effects, so it just depends on the person.

  29. So it’s worthwhile bearing in mind that a lot of peoples stories here are more about tolerance than age. Around 30 for most people tends to be a time when your social life dies down a little. People have settled down, have young kids and are still early enough in their careers to be pulling ling hours and being too tired to go out at weekends. Or have other commitments.

    What I’ve found this year, my friends are 37-40 now and so those kids are all a bit older, we are all a bit more settled in our careers and people are starting to go out more often again.

    The conclusion of all this being. From 30 to 35 say I did get horrible hangovers and didn’t enjoy drinking as much, but now I’m doing it more and it’s kind of back to how it was in my late 20’s. Hangovers are worse in severity but usually gone by lunchtime.

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