A lot of men say woman can get any men they want and men are desperate for any woman ; this isn’t the case because I’m tall

Short or average height woman can get any man they want not tall woman

I’m a 6 ft woman and many men are outright emasculated by me or men with a weird fetish

I don’t want to be defined by my height but many men define me by height

Had a guy talk about my height for 20 minutes straight which made me uncomfortable; when I stopped talking to him he played dumb

As a tall woman there is sort of emasculation that I feel responsible for and it’s exhausting that I constantly have to reassure a man that I’m not emasculating or a man because I’m tall

Had a man say it’s gay to like a woman same height or taller than him . Then when I started crying he pretended that he was confused. Like dumbass how do you call a woman a ‘’man ‘’ then act confused

Or men who act straight up aggressive towards me . So many treat shorter woman with delicacy when it comes to tall woman they treat us like we are men

I have a vagina and XX chromosomes; how do I become a man because I’m tall doesn’t make sense

Are woman with small boobs men ? Are woman with short hair men ? Are woman with straight bodies men ?

Why are tall woman referred to as men I don’t understand

  1. Don’t let them get you down. As a 6’6 man I’d love to have a partner as tall as you.

  2. All I hear is why why why do I keep surrounding myself by shallow men? Oh wait! It’s because I pick shallow men to surround me! This is a you problem just as much as its a man problem (who you invite into your life). Make better choices with more substance

  3. Those guys are idiots, seriously.

    I’m probably the same height, maybe even a bit shorter and your height wouldn’t bother me.

  4. I’m 6’1 and I love tall women. I like short women too. My ideal partner would be as tall or close to my height. I’ve even dated a woman who was taller than me by an inch or two. It wasn’t ever an issue and I never fetishized her because of her height. It was mostly just fun because there was more of her – literally – to touch and explore.

    I think you’re just meeting the wrong guys. Any guy secure enough in himself won’t care at all what height you are and simply appreciate you for who you are.

  5. I am a 6 feet tall male, I don’t care if she is 6’4, as long as she has a pretty face and talks to me nice

  6. I’m 6’2” and wouldn’t mind at all. You just need to find a man taller than you that won’t be emasculated. Plenty of us out there. You’ll be ok.

  7. I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with men’s insecurities so they project onto you about every other reason than the truth.
    I hope that you find happiness in future relationships with someone who is worthy of you and how great that you are.

  8. You just met the wrong men

    I’ve dated many men shorter than me, none of them had issue.

    My sons been with his gal 3 years now. Shes 5’11”

    Hes 5’8”

    And no, he doesn’t have some fetish.

    Just keep trying. There’s always weirdos and assholes. Keep on a truckin. You’ll find normal men soon enough

  9. “It’s gay to like women same height or taller” this took me out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. 6”1 lady here, I’ve been dating shorter men, and haven’t had issues for a while. It depends on where you are, though. I lived in Poland for a while and there men would bully me for being too masculine (?!).

  11. I don’t think so but as a man I find it difficult to get a girl because I’m so tall, 6’6”. I was talking to a girl that was 5’3 and she suddenly stopped and I asked her why and she said it was because I was tall.

    Just need to find the right person, find another tall dude procreate and have nba kids, or futbol kids.

  12. All those idiots aside, the reason I don’t date taller women is because that they don’t like dating shorter men.

  13. Had a girlfriend (now ex-) who was just about an inch shorter than me, told me that she was used to dating taller guys (I’m male and 5’10, so not “short”, but I feel that way often, especially lately – the whole Must be 6′ to date vibe) – anyway. When she’d wear heels, she’d stand taller than me, and one time, during an argument about something pointless, she said,
    “What do you call a guy you’re dating who’s shorter than you when you’re in heels? .. Your girlfriend!”
    So that was great. Up until that point, it didn’t bother me, now it’s another minor insecurity.

    I guess you’re a man because you’re tall and I’m a woman because I’m short?

    Or maybe we just need to hang out with better people from now on.

  14. I feel you. I’ve gotten weird in person reactions for being 5’9 like what on earth?

  15. That’s every short guy’s life. Defined by their height and talked about like they were girls or feminine. SMH.

  16. I’m 6FT and went on a date last week with a girl who is 6ft and didn’t mind at all. Was odd at first, but I could see myself dating her long term.

  17. Dont take insecure peoples opinions at heart, you’ll find someone that will make you feel very feminine, regardless of height. It’s not the shape of the person, but the love they have to make you feel as you should.

  18. I’m 5’7 and I have dated someone than was 6 foot tall so I don’t have an issue with it.

    But to try to answer your question as to why some men wouldn’t want to date someone taller than them. Firstly they are probably already insecure about their height most likely because they were bullied or made fun of most of their life and being with someone taller than them reminds them of that or brings further attention to their height which they don’t like.

    Some people just have preferences the same as when some girls prefer guys taller than them, some guys prefer to be taller than their partner

    Now as to the men who treat you disrespectfully don’t let them get to you. There are always going to be rude assholes despite what height you are.

  19. If a guy doesn’t wanna date a taller girl that doesn’t make him an asshole. Not that single factor at least. I personally am not open to dating a girl taller than me, I’m 6 feet tall. Just not my thing but Im one dude in a massive world. Dating is so strange, you will absolutely come upon someone or many people or who don’t care at all and you’ll get a fair shot regardless of your height. I totally understand what you’re saying though. Girls aren’t naturally tall and it can be weird for some guys but it can also be a turn on for some. Ya never know. I just know I’m definitely not an asshole, was raised the old fashioned way, I treat women great but I just am not interested in one taller than me. Dated one the same height maybe like an inch shorter and it still bothered me. I like Petite girls. Just my personal preference. Don’t be too discouraged, you’ll find someone that is totally fine with it. And it’ll be a thing of the past once you’re over that hurdle with them. Good luck 🍀

  20. As a 6’3″ man, tall women don’t bother me a bit, ive dated a woman that’s 4’11 and one that was 6′, really doesn’t matter🤷 all about that person! Sorry you’ve been on dates with idiots

  21. There are some really oddly picky humans. Height isn’t a factor for me at all. But we all have our own preferences.

  22. I’m 6’1” and I have always wanted my partner to be as tall as me. I think tall women are very attractive. I do not like dating short or petite women. Stay proud and don’t listen to people. If you worry about what people think about you then you stop living your own life.

  23. Not every man will think like that u just need to find a men who want to accept whatever you be

  24. Your problem is what every short men’s problem.It’s because of ego, and men feel intimidated with someone taller than them. I’m short at 5’4 and would love to date tall women.

  25. Hi im 5’10..my ex wife 6’1..it was never even a thought..i loved her long legs and what i could do with them..you just need the right guys…tall girls are so rare..nearly all are models..

  26. Majority of relationships are same height or a man being taller than a woman, I guess everyone is just use to it being that way

  27. I’m sort of the mirror opposite of you. I’m a 5’4” man. I totally get how you feel, feeling that your height has devastated your chances. I myself have been rejected cause of height. I would say though that many men out there can appreciate you, they just need to be found. I myself, despite being 5’4”, asked out my 5’11” coworker. She said no, but we decided to remain friends. It took a long time for my infatuation to cool down, but now she’s my best friend. She tells me a lot how she feels, and how being tall affects her self confidence. I try to reassure her, as I will with you, that tall is beautiful, and to keep your heart open to finding someone. In the past few months, my friend did, and I’m overjoyed for her. I say to you, don’t lose hope. Just as I implore you not to lose hope over being a tall woman, I will try to not lose hope over being a short man.

  28. This is not true. Normal guys like me are out there and i really find tall women attractive

  29. As a 5’11” woman I understand the struggle. I’ve decided to wear heels or platform shoes on first dates. If a man brings it up and is butthurt about it, I tell him that’s his problem to sort out, because I love my shoes and they make me feel confident. If they continue on I say “well if it’s gonna be an issue we can end things right now” because I don’t have time to waste. Only had a few men comment and after I tell them I love my shoes and my height it usually shuts them up.
    Also like, you’re not emasculating by existing, he’s doing that to himself. You’re not threatening he feels threatened. There’s a difference.
    Don’t listen to the sad words of a POS like that guy. You’re a woman, tall and beautiful.

  30. I’m 6’1 and female, and I agree with this post sooooo much. In my experience with dating taller men are more emasculated by women taller than them, the short kings love it a lot more.

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