Yes, I know Spencer’s isn’t great for sex toys, but it’s generally where my girlfriend and I buy cheap BDSM toys to try before buying nice ones. I’ve never gone to get them, only she has. I want to buy some BDSM stuff to try, such as gags and new cuffs, to surprise her later since we’ve been talking about trying them. Do employees at places like Spencer’s judge you for the stuff you buy?

  1. Who cares? As the old saying goes, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink. I certainly would not my let myself be bothered by the possible opinions of random strangers.

  2. No. I don’t think they’d be working there if they had issues with what people buy.

  3. No. I don’t work at Spencers but I am a retail employee and I could literally not give a fuck less about who is shopping for what as long as I get my paycheck and I’m sure the employees there feel the same way.

  4. I once walked into a Spencer’s and bought the biggest, blackest, dildo they had to play a joke on a friend. The cashier gave me a WTF look and I just eyed it and said “Yup, that’ll work just fine.” The look on her face was priceless.

  5. Spencer’s is actually a front by the FBI to track any and all sex toys people buy, just to monitor for people who may have kinks. They will document everything you purchase, discuss it in detail, and then fill out a detailed report, sending it to your boss and family members if they think you are engaged in anything particularly… untoward.

    Or. No one really cares because why would they stock items they don’t sell? You won’t be the first to get something from Spencer’s or the last. Who cares if a single stranger has a quiet giggle sometime? Unless your Grandmother is the one ringing up the sex toys, you probably don’t have to worry about anything. If your grandmother _does_ ring up the sex toys, she’s probably sex positive and would be more concerned that you are being safe and responsible with boundaries and wants you to be happy.

  6. I don’t think so. They might actually have an interest in it and be able to help you with a selection.

  7. I think you would benefit from finding a better place to shop for toys. Spencer’s tends to be more of a novelty shop where the sex toys are more for laughs and shock value than actual practicality. You’d be surprised how reasonable the basics are at a shop where people are more open to the idea of mature sex and toys that make it more fun.

  8. They probably wouldn’t work there if that was the case. Last time I bought a toy there, the girl recommended a cleaner and let me know I had picked the wrong kind of batteries. That being said, you can get all sorts of bdsm materials at tractor supply, hardware stores or even in the pet section. Just think outside the box.

  9. I’ve never worked at Spencer’s but I doubt it. They knew what they were getting into when they applied for the job. They are just like everyone else, they work to make money and pay the bills. They probably have better things to do then judge you for buying a sex toy.

    If they are petty enough to judge you then who cares? They are a petty judgmental asshole if they judge you for buying what their store sells.

  10. 1. They don’t care
    2. Just buy them online? Probably even cheaper, for the low-quality toys

  11. No but they will judge you for choking on their flavored lubricant, that turned out to not be edible despite asking if it was before purchasing it.

  12. The one time me and my chick bought something from there we got a lil giggle for the cashier but thats about it. All 3 of us laughed and went about our day..

  13. Absolutely not. But I do recommend going to an actual sex shop though. Much more variety and things to choose from. And obviously the staff are going to be very sex positive. And plus if other people are in there you know they’re looking at the same stuff, so it’s much less embarrassing

  14. I personally think minimum wage is not enough money to give a shit about what people are buying. They go through a ton of transactions every day and probably can’t remember half of them by the time they punch out. Even if they do care, they’re strangers. They don’t know you, your name who you are.

    But I’d personally buy online. Better selection, generally better quality & shipping things in plain packaging is pretty standard now. Stores like lovehoney have a basics line and variety packs which is meant to be try it before you invest products.

  15. My mums friend works at a large grocery chain. The number 1 product stolen is condoms. She could never understand why people would steal them. Then someone hinted people are embarrassed, and she replied why if I was getting laid tonight I would be strutting my stuff to the checkout.

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