Hey so I (m25) am sure this question as been asked but it’s more so a question on your past/current experiences.

Dating new gf (f24) and we are starting to have sex.

We tried having sex in the car and entering her vagina is feels …. difficult. I promise you I am not some monster dong dude. 6 inch and it’s a skinny one. I haven’t had issues in my past relationship and she mentioned she didn’t have issues before (last time she had intercourse was 5 yrs ago in case it matters).

Anyway, when entering her the sides feel boney for me/my head. She says it hurts when I finger her as well. I also have skinny fingers. I’m like 5’7 140lbs wet, no thickness anywhere! She is super small, I guess.. I think she’s like 4’10 and 95lbs.

She’s allergic to lube so we are trying to fine one(s) that work.

She claims I am not hard enough (perhaps that’s why it hurts me?) and I claim she is not wet enough. I’m not sure if its because of how constricted the car is but we will eventually try a bed lol but we’re both just curious on suggestions/ideas.

  1. Regarding the lube allergy, is she allergic to coconut oil? I’m allergic to silicone oil, many metals and organic substances such as many foods, but I have no problem with coconut oil.

  2. More foreplay eat her out take your time use spit suck her nipples rather than sticking it in so fast sex is fun and sensual

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