Like purely platonically

  1. Can’t say i’ve ever thought that or felt that way.

    Most of my female friends i’ve met through hobbies or just life in general have become good friends by being a good friend.

  2. Actually understanding what I feel. Met a girl in a psych hospital, she’s half my age but understands me better than anyone else…

  3. If we like the same things and vibe well. Kinda feels like you’ve got a sister you ain’t really related to.

  4. No. I can’t think of a situation where someone I don’t really know makes me want to be their best friend.

    I’ve had women best friends, but that’s through continuous conversations and a mutual respect and care for each other.

  5. My ex had a lot of friends who were always traveling and partying, fun to be around etc. So yeah I wanted to be included.

  6. I’ve never looked at a woman and thought “wow I’d like her to be my friend or best friend”. No quality has ever made me want to have a girl best friend. I’m not big on having female friends in general though.

  7. That’s how my best friend and I met while in university. I went to a dorm party wearing my cowboy boots, and she saw me in them and wanted to become friends.She came over to introduce herself saying “I love your boots, we should be friends.” 8 years later, she’s flying to visit me next month.

  8. No, I guess never have felt it for men or women that makes me go: wow I wanna be their friend.

    This might sound arrogant but it’s not like that, but nobody ever impressed me so much that I just really wanted to be their friend.

  9. >If yes what is it?

    When she’s a good person and we have something in common.

    This happened to me last year.

    Me and her have totally different personalities, looks, etc… but we have the same fashion sense, literally identical (same shoe models, same colors/clothes) .

    I usually don’t go shopping or talk about clothes with my friends, having a friend who shares your hobbies is always nice.

  10. well sometimes you meet someone you’re just in tune with. You have the same sort of humor, can expand on each other’s jokes, and usually people either don’t get it when you 2 are together having fun, or they feel like a third wheel.

    This can happen with either a male or female friend, but imo that’s what being best friends is about.

    Now to answer your quiestion: no. Because if you want to be someone’s best friend, you’re not it.

  11. Not best friend but friend, sure. If they’re cool to be around, show interest in spending time together or talking and smile when they see you after being a long time away without contact.

  12. If she seems like she has a three digited IQ, and she has basic social skills, and some of our interests seems to be aligned, then yes. These are the vast minimum requirements, and I won’t care if she’s the ugliest girl you might find on the face of the planet.

  13. if she’s really really good at something and has a passion for something.

  14. I’ve had some times where a woman was just super fun and a joy to be around, but I had zero physical attraction. That makes the decision easier. I do have friends who are very attractive, but having no attraction to them obviously makes it easy.

  15. i never wanted to be friends with a Women, fwb yes, but dont think a women can be as good as a friend as my buddys are

  16. No, not really. There is no such thing for men either. It eother grows to be that way or not.

  17. Not once in my life i found a girl that i wanted to be friends with in specific, tried to be friends with colleagues or mutual friends but it ended up in them wanting more so i stopped trying to befriend women

  18. Food! Anyone who brings food or baked goods into the office always becomes my friend.

  19. I felt that with one girl.

    She had excellent humor. So easy to talk to. So funny. you know, humor is a two way street, she could build off of my jokes and make shit even funnier, and I could build off of hers.

    Why didn’t I want to date her? Well, the main reason was she was unpredictable as hell, late to everything, extremely impulsive; would be hell to deal with in a relationship, lol.

  20. If a woman is cool enough for me to want to be her best friend, I’d try to start a relationship with her. Men and women cannot be friends unless he’s either gay, or in a happy relationship. Or he isn’t attracted to her in the slightest sense.

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