I’ve seen a lot of men advocate for dating younger women for a lot of reasons, most of them sexual. Some of them give me the creeps in all honesty, but I know I speak from a woman’s perspective. But is there anything you heard that made you side eye someone?

  1. There was data from OKCupid some years back. Women’s preferences tended to follow their age, + or – a few years. Men’s preferences stayed the same for life, 18-22 (with the exception of 23 for guys who are 43 iirc). It’s hardwired into the biology.

  2. Dating younger women is fine I guess but when they will *only* date younger women, that gives me the ick.

    In my 20’s I went on a few dates with guys in their 30s who wouldn’t even date women their own age and I found that gross.

  3. I became single at 39. Half the women I dated were in their 20s and the other half 30s and early 40s. The younger women were for friendship and fun being that it is highly unlikely to have a successful committed relationship with a large age gap. Straight up, it’s an ego boost.

    The women I dated in their 30s and 40s had actual potential for a committed relationship. They were also far more skilled in bed. People in their 30s and 40s have had more high-stakes relationship failures, which makes a higher percentage defensive. Dating is supposed to be fun and not a riddle. You have to solve in order to go out and have a good time.

  4. Once the preference is taking advantage of someome its wrong.

    I’m a 22 year old guy, I can’t see myself dating someone younger than 20. Nor will I date someone older than 26

    Looks wise aslong as its again not taking advantage of them I don’t mind.

  5. It depends on the person. In general, it’s preferences that are super disproportionate or a very small percentage of the available population fits in that range.

    I’ll use height as an example. A lot of ladies have height preferences which I don’t think as a whole is unreasonable. The point where a height preference becomes unreasonable is when it’s something like a 5ft lady not willing to date anyone shorter than 6ft. 6+ft men only make up about 15% of the population in the USA but of those men, maybe half are available to date.

  6. 18yo or 100yo, as long as everyone is an adult and consenting, their preferences are none of my business. Respecting another adults freedom of choice, whether i agree or no, is the mature thing to do. To attempt to shame another adult, while it makes you feel good and right to do so, for something that is 100% fine and they seek to be happy is audacious.

  7. Well, if you are 30+ and want a big family, women your age won’t cut it.

    Problem pregnancies start at that age, same goes for fertility.

    I personally think things like hair colour is stupid.

  8. >But is there anything you heard that made you side eye someone?

    Mostly women’s preferences.

  9. As a dude with kids its always kind of icked me out when older men date way younger. My daughter is 17, I couldnt imagine dating anyone even close to that age. Mid 40s I dont think Id date anyone under 30-35.

  10. Good lord.

    Older women bring more baggage. There. I solved the mystery. That’s why dudes go for younger women, stop pretending dudes are predatory, the ONLY time I will EVER entertain that argument is if dudes are specifically dating 18/19 year olds and break up with them when they hit 20.That’s fucking creepy. Anything older is a whole ass adult.

    For the record, *I* would not date that young. I’m 24, and my minimum is 21. If I were in my 30s, I would date no younger than 25.

  11. A lot of men like older women too, it’s just that some preferences are more or less accepted depending on our culture.

    >But is there anything you heard that made you side eye someone?

    Health (like liking anorexic people), power dynamics (30y old who only wants to date 20y old) and insulting/dehumanizing people who don’t fit them.

    Like, it’s ok if you want to date younger/older, but if you’re looking for power dynamics it’s pretty bad.

  12. I live by the rule that I read in the Brocode. For the age gap, I follow the rule – Age/2+7.

    I am 40 right now, so according to the Brocode i can not date a woman who is younger than 27

  13. Some people don’t understand statistics: 50% of women are married by 28 (men *of all ages* find women most attractive at age 25, according on research). Unless a man is dating widows, he’s basically sifting through the remaining 50%, who are *more likely (=/ all)* to have commitment or other issues (assuming they are attractive and not crazy). A man without a lot of time may choose to invest his time wisely. A rich man who’s +55 may decide not to invest his resources on post-menopausal women and just find a group of fun buddies to go fishing with. A man who’s attracted to big boobs isn’t going to become attracted to Ph.D. degrees just because you let the former sag while you spent 5 years to gain the latter. Doesn’t mean anybody is bad. It’s just the way the world works.

    A good saying goes: **All is fair in love and war**. The ethical line is drawn at illegal. That’s it. You can shame weak men into many things. Pretty much all the things that Napoleon, Stalin, Genghis Khan, etc…did were creepy, to say the least. That’s how they won. Heck, even illegal doesn’t mean anything to them: they kill the enemy and re-write the laws. The more high status a man is, the less of a flying fuck he’d give about someone’s side eye.

    That, and you can’t de-program evolution with a few decades of gender studies that flies in the face of biology. You can’t shame a man into having a raging boner. “Superficial” doesn’t mean anything unless you change how testosterone works. Without testosterone, all women look like grandma to us and we’d have zero drive to want to be with them. It’s a lot easier to try to understand the world than to mold it to your utopian dreams.

  14. Knew I guy who only dated unattractive women, thinking they would be tolerate him treating them poorly.

  15. Idk man my sister is 12yrs younger than me (20) and her friends are funny and great and all but fuck no I could never imagine dating someone in that range. Even pushing 25 still some seem like kids maturity wise idk. Gives me gross feelings. Granted I am married to a woman a little older than me and that is my preference so I may be biased…but like I’ve obv seen women and men in their mid 20s that are attractive from a purely looks standpoint and not to over generalize but then they uh…talk

    But that’s just me. Personally I’ve known some people in wide age gap relationships and I’d imagine it would be more difficult to find common ground? but some of them make it work and if nobody is being taken advantage of and things are good who am I to judge

  16. When people give a shitty explanation as to why.

    Just being more into Korean women than others is way more acceptable than being into Korean women because you view them as submissive and other women as terrible harpies.

    Or a woman who is into a guy but refuses to actually date him because he’s black and she could never be seen as in a relationship with him.

  17. I’m a 52 yr old man and the idea of being single and dating some woman in her early – mid 20s is not something I’m the least bit interested in. I can certainly appreciate youth and a young ladies feminine characteristics, don’t get me wrong. I side eye dudes that date girls less than half their age. I’m not gonna lecture them but I don’t really want to hang with them either. They got issues. If you hang around them long enough, their issues will be problems for you in some way, shape or form. I’ll pass.

  18. If you happen to date a woman who is younger, but not inappropriately so, and there’s no fucked up power dynamics, yay. If younger women are *your type*… 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

  19. There’s definitely “too young” even if it is technically legal. But keep in mind that it takes two to tango. She’s choosing to be with him too.

  20. men are allowed to have standards and preferences. It is normal and natural for a man to be attracted to a young woman, after all they are more fertile. I don’t see men complaining that women want men who have money.

  21. They’re all ok unless they’re hypocritical. If a girl is short she shouldn’t only date tall guys. If someone’s old they shouldn’t only dare young people. If you’re skinny and only want a skinny partner that’s ok. If your fat and only want a skinny partner that’s not as you are wishing for something you lack yourself

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