She was the one who always initiated things first. Like she wanted to go out with me on a double date and I said yes. She also texted me good morning and good night a handful of times. She also always double texted me if I accidentally left her on delivered. Or she would message me on iMessage instead of Snapchat. Texting her just about life in general a good idea? My question is should I be the one trying to do that first to make it seem like I’m interested in her. I have never dated before so I have no idea really. Should I be asking if she wants to go hangout and do things. Should I try and send the good morning and good night texts first as well? If I did that would she not lose interest?

  1. >Texting her mom just about life in general a good idea?

    Not right now.

    >Should I be asking if she wants to go hangout and do things. Should I try and send the good morning and good night texts first as well? If I did that would she not lose interest?

    Yes, yes, and probably not.

  2. Relationships, in general, should be a give and take. Your girl is constantly putting in the energy to show you she’s interested, and it sounds as though you recognize that. If you want to keep someone, putting in as much energy as they do is important. Otherwise, they may fight someone who shows they’re interested instead.

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