What makes you optimistic about the future of America?

  1. The sociopolitical views of Millennials and Gen Z. The continual upward climb of our quality of life and quality of life around the world. Russia-Ukraine not withstanding, the very notable decrease in global warfare in the post-Vietnam and post-Cold War era. The increased inter-connectivity of the nation and the world and increased mutual dependence requiring us to ultimately work together at least on an economic perspective. The continuing investment and development of green technologies. The increasing diversity of the American population. Scientific advancements in healthcare and mass production. All of that points towards a good future, so long as we take care of it and don’t actively choose to fuck it up.

  2. Maybe I have a warped view because of where I live, but Miami receives a lot of highly qualified and highly motivated individuals from all over Latin America.

    Many highly educated professionals of all different professions are choosing to come here and take advantage of all of the opportunities this country offers them.

    I interact with them on a daily basis, and it’s actually quite eye opening. It’s very motivating.

    Think of it like MLB or the NBA where these leagues attract the very best talent from all over the world and it raises the level of competition far beyond what could have otherwise been imaginable.

  3. The gnashing of teeth from the bigots and xenophobes in this country looks to me like the final desperate actions of a cornered and dying animal. So as long as we can keep them from doing too much permanent damage while they lash out and try to hurt everyone that doesn’t act and think exactly like them as they die off, I’m pretty optimistic about what the future holds.

  4. Frankly it’s that the worst people in the country are on average the oldest, so we’re seeing younger people who are much better and much more moral than the elderly who will inherit the nation. They just need to get more involved in their communities and politically and they can start to fix a lot of our problems fairly quickly.

  5. The country and the people have gotten through all sorts of trying times from the Civil War to the Cuban Missile Crisis and beyond. I have faith that we’ll see it through whatever bullshit comes.

  6. That life still continues to improve for everyone despite the noise.

    Living right now is better than living 10, 15, 20 years ago. With technology, inventions, and access to knowledge, we have never been better than we are today. And tomorrow will be better than today.

    It has never been a better time for minorities in this country. We have a lot of yelling and a lot of noise and finger pointing, but minorities now are better than they where 10 years ago and their lives will continue to improve as time moves on.

    The world is more peaceful. It’s easier to explore and see new things.

    All of that makes me optimistic. I get even more optimistic the minute I stop looking at social media for a few hours.

  7. The fact that younger generations are much less conservative and the most conservative generation are the boomers who are eventually all going to die gives me hope that we can finally make this country as good as Western Europe some day.

  8. At my job, I’ve been able to interact with kids that come in and honestly, I see hope when I talk to them. There are plenty of children who are years wiser than many adults in America

  9. At the moment, there seems to be a lot of regression going around… My optimism comes from the next waves of voters coming up.

    Seems like an overwhelming wave in favor of the side I support in most things.

  10. I’m not sure I am optimistic about the future of America. I’m terrified.

  11. I think the scientists at Taco Bell have only just scratched the surface of what late night drunk food could be.

  12. America went through a revolution a civil war a Great Depression, 9/11 an economic crisis and COVID. And we still persevered.

  13. I am optimistic because I set my life up to be really great and that hard work is starting to pay off and I’m starting to see results.

    Outlook is grim due to the massive federal debt, that’s the biggest concern right now.

  14. Absolutely nothing. Conservatives are gaining more ground by the second and are transforming this country into a theocratic shithole at a rapid rate.

  15. Not much, outside of natural resources and national institutions currently being set up to deal with things for the next few decades.

    Otherwise, too much political populism on the horizon which will cause people to pursue stupid policies that will ruin it for our grandchildren.

    As much as the “good times make weak people” thing is unscientific, I think there is an element of wisdom to it that applies to Americans today that will hinder them tomorrow.

  16. Most of our current politicians are reaching the life expectancy, so hopefully things will improve

  17. The coming apocalypse. When the whole world is going down, who has time to worry about country?

  18. The people getting citizenship really love the country, I hope they become informed voters and help steer us in the right direction

  19. We vocalize issues. When people see something wrong, they call it out. There may be disagreements about what is wrong and how to fix it, but we don’t sweep our issues under the rug for the sake of looking good to other nations. I’ve seen a lot of that in Europe especially. This gives the impression that our whole country is in ruins, because all you hear about in the news is our issues. You can’t fix something until you acknowledge there is a problem, and we are good at acknowledging problems.

  20. There needs to be changes that happen in the department of health as well as education before I can feel even a little bit of optimism. With the direction this country is headed, it honestly worries me. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with those changes, but maybe replicating similar policies as certain countries with a higher HDI.

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