What age did you move out your parents’ house and what was your reason for moving out?

  1. 19, I wanted privacy and freedom and to live with my friends, not my mom and kid sister.

  2. Moved out at 23, after I graduated college and got a big boy job.

    At the time I wasn’t super happy about living at home during college, but being able to graduate with almost no debt has been a godsend.

  3. I went to college at 17 and moved into a dorm. That might not count though because I still continued to come home every break, then when I graduated I didn’t get a job right away so I moved back home. I moved out for good after I got my first post-college job, so I was 22 when that happened.

  4. Moved out in 2001 at 18 soon to be 19 for college.

    But college was still really having my permanent residence with my parents even though I had a dorm room at school. Then a upperclassman house until I graduated for sophomore through senior year.

    My first real apartment all on my own was 2005 in Chicago at age 22.

    It was funny because I was getting close to graduation and my mom said “it’s ok if you move back in for a while until you get a job and a place to live.” I told her “I have a job in Chicago and I just need to find an apartment.” She was very obviously sad and happy that I was leaving the nest. I got the apartment maybe two months after graduating and moved in July. I spent a portion of the summer at home and worked at the catering company I worked for in high school and college summers before moving into my place in Chicago. I started my job in July 2005 and have never lived at home again.

    My dad was worried about where I was living in Chicago because he knew it wasn’t the best neighborhoods but I had two great places and they came and visited a lot even though the second neighborhood was a bit dicey.

  5. 24 I think, because that’s when I could afford it.

    Edit: that’s not counting “moving out” to live on campus during the school year because I didn’t have to pay bills or anything and I moved back in with my parents every summer.

  6. 16 to be an exchange student with their blessing. Came back after a year, went to work for the summer as a camp counselor after 4 days. Came back, lived half there and half in my grandparents’ house to be closer to work until I graduated high school, started living with my grandparents full time.

    Went away to college at 19, flunked out. Moved back in with my parents for four months. Moved out to go to a different college. Moved back in with my parents at 22 after I gave up my apartment for a better place that fell through after three months. Lived with my parents for 41 days before I moved in with my girlfriend who is now my wife.

    So, I’ve moved out of my parents’ house five times. The last time was in 1993.

  7. 18 left for the california conservation corp. came home for 6 months then left for the Army.

  8. I moved out last year at age 22. Me my mom and my sister used to live in the same small two bed one bath apartment in Hawaii while my dad was in the army. After he retired in 2011 we all moved to Washington and we did the same thing but instead of an apartment we got a house. All of us still lived in the same house. My sister moved out in 2018. Then I moved out last year.

  9. 18 for college though would still come home for breaks but never moved back in after that

  10. I moved out for college when I was 18, but came back for a couple summers and for roughly a year after I graduated. I was fully out when I got my own permanent place when I was 23.

  11. 20, and I still haven’t. Hopefully, this time next year I’ll have the cash needed for a down payment on a house.

  12. 18 and for college. I didn’t want to make the 1 hour commute to and from school so I moved on campus. Best decision too as I was now independant and had a convenient school life / schedule.

  13. 18 went to college out of state. Loved it and hated moving back in fir a few months after college.

  14. 17, but I was kicked out because I had a girlfriend and my mother couldn’t grasp the definition of bisexual.

  15. 19 – I moved ~500 miles away for university. I didn’t live on campus though, I preferred to live off campus quietly (and NOT in a dorm room, lol). I hated the idea of not having a proper kitchen to cook in, and it was cheaper than student housing and meal plan. I was supporting myself/financially independent so I was not about to pay more money than an apartment for a dorm room that would kick me out during holidays.

    While I have a generally good relationship with my mother and there wasn’t actually anything *wrong* with living at home, I also very much wanted to live independently and would rather gnaw my toe off than live in the same house with her again. (My father died when I was ~8 so it was just the two of us.) I am generally much more on top of things (cooking, cleaning, financial management, DIY/repairs, everything) than her and living in the same house with her was very irritating for me.

  16. 19. I wanted to sleep in and smoke weed and my mom was like “you’re not doing that in my house” so I got an apartment.

  17. I was 19. There wasn’t enough room for me in the house and I wanted to stay in the town where I was going to school. I got an apartment with a friend and lived there for 5 years.

  18. 21, I got married. Unfortunately due to covid and life being brutal, my husband and I are back at my parents house.

  19. 30.

    I was the only one to take care of my grandmother when she fell ill. I’d have done it anyway since her and granddad raised me, and he had already passed a few years ago.

    Living alone with nothing but quiet. Can’t get enough of it. Its like crack or something. 😂

  20. 17, moved to my dorm for college. In a few years I moved into an apartment with my girlfriend/soon-to-be-wife. A few years after that I had to move back home for a bit after divorcing her. Moved back out at 25. Now 35, obviously never going back home but some day might have to move my dad in with me I guess. Such is the circle of life.

  21. I am 26 and still live with my parents. I could live on my own just fine. They are 65 and 70 and I don’t think they would be living very comfortably without me. They each have health issues and can’t work much. My dad has been retired since 2015 and my mom is retiring next year. They sold their house to move out to Colorado with me. So we are just doing our thing and renting until we find something we can buy.

  22. 19 moved out for college about 15 years ago. Never went back except to visit once every few years. Dad passed away soon after I left. Mom is retired and cant live alone after my brother moved out recently. She is moving in with me soon. No more parents’ house to go back to. Feels sad to know I have nothing to fall back to anymore if hard times hit. Would love to have mom around my place though.

    Those of you who still have that safety net, cherish it while it lasts.

  23. I was 17 when I first moved out. It was mostly because I wanted to get out on my own, but my parents likely would have kicked me out if I didn’t.

    In hindsight, it was a dumb decision. If I could do it over again, I’d try to do whatever it took to remain at home and save money. I might have started an investment account that would have paid for my retirement. Or I might have used the money to buy a house. Instead, I threw it away paying rent and utilities, then partying with whatever was leftover.

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