What job gives you $20K a month in Chicago? No previous experience. Someone I know claims they have that much money, they recently moved to Chicago all the way from Europe, and it’s just crazy to me, that’s a bizzare amount of money for someone with no experience. You can get a whole furnished house and big backyard for that money where I live yet this person claims they earn that in a month. I’d believe they are rich if they were knowledgeable businessman but I call bs on that since they have no experience. But just in case I have to ask, Is life standard that high over there? What is a standard and what is minimal payment?

  1. Definitely not standard. That’s $240k a year. Those are doctor and ceo wages. I suspect your friend is bullshitting you. It’s possible they added a zero to their actual wage.

  2. $240k a year would put you in the top 10% for income. I’m deeply skeptical about your friends claims.

  3. Are you sure they did not mean $20K/year? That sounds a lot more realistic for a job like part-time driver with no experience.

  4. called it, basically he’s doing that so people that know him would get mega jealous. Lol typical behavior over here.

  5. What do they do? Chances are he has a post grad degree and got hired for an extremely specific reason.

  6. The only thing I can think of his your friend is amazing at sales. That’s the only job where you can walk in and make something like that, but you have to be a beast at sales

    Or is hiding an Onlyfans account or something

  7. No job in the world pays nearly a quarter of a million a year with no previous experience.

  8. The people I know in that range are industry professionals with like 15 years of experience and a masters degree, in a field known for being unusually well paid.

    Like it’s wildly unusual even for people who make objectively high salaries to make that much without a fair amount of experience.

    Part time, no experience? No way that’s his monthly income.

    I would like to warn you against using how much things cost where you live to compare living standards though. Things here tend to be more expensive. $20k would not buy you a fully furnished house anywhere in the US.

    A modest home in a low cost of living area could be $100-150k for reference. Where I live is more medium COL and houses range wildly in price but a home in the nearby suburbs would be more like $300-400k. These aren’t wealthy people homes, either. Just normal homes.

    You have to compare how much people are paying *where they live* vs their salary. It’s called cost of living. And often if people move from one area to another for a job they expect the job to pay more if the COL is higher so they can maintain their standard of life.

  9. Minimum wage in Chicago is $15.80/hour. At 40 hours/ week, that’s about $32,000/year.

    Median household income is about $65,000-$70,000 per year.

    $20k/month or $240k/year is what you might expect for a doctor, or a lawyer, or a management role in a large company. Maybe an inexperienced tech worker with very specialized skills?

    Edit– corrected Chicago min wage.

  10. I am *extremely* skeptical. I think your friend is wildly over exaggerating.

    The only thing where he could make that much as a new hire with no experience is sales on commission. Even then they would have to be *insanely* good at sales.

    My reaction is doubt.

  11. Even entry level investment bankers don’t make that much. Maybe at a FAANG, but Im not sure even those salaries are at $240k at the *entry level*.

  12. I assume your friend is a citizen of a European country. The company needs to provide an H1B Visa to hire someone from Europe which is already hard to get. If this company did have open H1B Visa slots they wouldn’t waste it on your friend with no experience.

    Additionally, to hire someone under an H1B you need to show you were unable to find someone domestically for the position that meets the qualifications. That is usually done by writing the job description so the experience required happens to be exactly what the person you want to hire internationally possesses. Your friend has no experience so I have no clue how a company would even go about doing this.

    Your friends entire story sounds made up to me.

  13. An executive at a corporation, an attorney, a manager at a large engineering company, a sales executive selling any number of products, a business owner, many finance jobs, insurance, etc.

    *Why not just ask this person what they do for a living*? A starting salary? Maybe if they’re a surgeon or their dad got them a middle management position at a holding company.

  14. I’d apply for that job $20k no experience. Millions would qualify, depends on what part of Chicago though. A doctor I used to work with made 10K net monthly, so I’m assuming with no experience, it’s a Tom Cruise look alike.

  15. Any number of jobs could pay that under the right condition. There’s certainly no shortage of people in a city like Chicago making a similar wage.

    I couldn’t even begin to tell you if it’s realistic without even knowing what he does.

  16. Are you sure about that? Most jobs in US quote annual pay, not monthly.

    Only jobs with no experience that could possibly pay that high with little experience is if they were some sort of hotshot programmer with skills that a hedge fund or high frequency trading firm needed.

    Typically an entry level job with a degree would pay $40-60k a year (not month). Minimum wage is $15.00/hr, so about $30k/year.

    Chicago is more affordable than other major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, DC so pay is typically a little less than similar jobs in those cities.

  17. Chicago is the one of the most inexpensive large cities in the US, if not the most (depending on how many top cities you’re considering).

  18. Well….he could be selling drugs or maybe he’s a high-end escort?

  19. Some trading jobs in Chicago will offer that to new grads, but there aren’t many of those

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