What is a safe response to your wife or girlfriend when she says she wants to loose X amount of pounds? Something that won’t make her think you think she’s overweight but also not discourage her from improving herself

  1. “I’ve been wanting to start up at the gym again too, why not do it together”?

  2. Go way over the top right away, “oh thank god I was so concerned we were gonna have to widen the doorways and carry you out with a forklift” even if it’s just like 5lbs

  3. What about 3X instead?

    Really, the best option is to say that you like her the way she is, but if she wants to go to the gym, we should do it together

  4. Well you don’t need to lose any weight, but going to the gym is never a bad thing! Give you (or us) a routine and living a healthier lifestyle is always good.

  5. Ask how you can support her, ask if there are better dietary choices you guys can make as a couple, etc…

  6. Best way to go about that, in my experience, is jump directly into the “how do you want to want to accomplish that?” Conversation.

    It allows you to discuss with them and create goals, understand how they feel about a road map as to how they’re going to get there and show your support and enthusiasm that you’re going to work with them to get there.

    It also avoids the concept of affirming that they maybe do need to lose weight and hurt their confidence or the whole “I love you the way you are” conversation, even if you do. Instead, it shows that you’re supportive and excited for them to work towards bettering themselves for “them” and not for “you”.

    A little over a year ago, my gf came to me and told me that she wanted to get into really good shape and I think lacked a little self-confidence. We are both very active together and she was already in very good shape from running and hiking and stuff like that and I thought she looked great the way she was. But, I lift and do HIIT 5 days a week religiously so I have more of a muscular/athletic build and she’s never done anything like that and she wanted to be more athletic.

    So, when we had that conversation, that’s how I handled it, created a plan, goals, held her accountable to it, showed my support and enthusiasm, and now her working out with me some days and going at it on her own is a hobby that she enjoys and she’s made some incredible progress and I’m very proud of her and I know she feels great about herself which I love. Those squat gains are also a huge plus, so no complaints here. 😂

  7. As long as you know that, I find you incredibly beautiful and sexy and I will support your body goals as much as you need me to.

  8. I told her she was beautiful the way she was, but if she wanted to be healthier I’d support her.

    A very diplomatic way of saying “yeah you’re kinda chonky, love, but I like you anyway, feel free to get thinner if you want to, idc tho.”

  9. “Fucking burns calories, so consider my dick your exercise bike, baby.”

  10. *Nobody believes in you. You’ve lost again, and again, and again. The lights are cut off, but you still are looking at your dream, reviewing it every day and say to yourself, “It’s not over until I win.”*

  11. Assuming she’s overweight… *while reaffirming that I love her regardless and she’s beautiful the way she is…* I would *gently* encourage her to do it. I’d even pay for both of our gym memberships and work out with her.

  12. This is when you say “you should dye it” sounds like diet and that’s what she’ll think and if she is negative towards it just say “your hair silly, you should dye it”

  13. I would use that as the worlds most jerryrigged wedge into talking about vintage bicycles and what size and style she wants me to get for her and restore.

  14. I’d ask her why she’s saying it weird. How do you loose weight? Wouldn’t you want your weight tight?

    It’s “lose”.

  15. “I’m way into you the way you are, you know that, but you mean a lot to me and I’m glad you’re trying to improve your health. Let me know what I can do to help.”

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