My boyfriend’s mom is obsessed with him, or am I exaggerating?

First, I want to apologize for any grammatical mistakes. English isn’t my first language. My boyfriend (24M) has a weird relationship with his own mother, and I wanted to ask if this is normal behavior or if there is something off with her. She has been a single mother since he was 9, and although his father is a very present person in his life even though my boyfriend used to live with her for most of his life. When my boyfriend turned 14, she introduced him to his stepdad and asked him if he could move in with them. My boyfriend wasn’t thrilled, but he said it was fine as long as they didn’t bother him.

When my boyfriend and I met, I was 19, and it was in the middle of COVID. It’s important for me to note that I come from a lower class than them. At first, everything went well. We didn’t see each other that often, and he used to stay with his mother most of the week. However, after a few months into the relationship, we started spending a lot more time together. He often stayed at my place, or we stayed together when his father wasn’t around because he travels a lot. This is where things started to get more complicated for me. Unfortunately for his mother, my boyfriend chose to live with his father mostly because of two things. First, my boyfriend was tired of the rules his mother had in her house and the constant fighting with her husband. Second, she didn’t like the idea of me spending the night. However, his father didn’t have a problem with this. She often called him, telling him she was worried about his son and his “obsession” with me.

Here is a list of things she did or allowed:

– One time, she told my boyfriend she was worried about him spending so much time at my house because she feared his car would get stolen. Mind you, I live in a really good neighborhood.

– Before the pandemic, she gave him a present for a trip. The same year he wanted to move out, they took an amazing once-in-a-lifetime trip. They came back and booked another month-long trip to Europe. On the first trip, she fought with the hotel for booking them a room with two beds instead of a suite with a matrimonial bed.

– She faked having cancer just so he would visit her house more often.

– She cuddles him when I’m around, put his legs on his lap, or holds his hand, even though I’m literally next to them.

– She once allowed her friend to make a really weird comment about me not existing and having my boyfriend all to herself.

Do you have any tips? Am I exaggerating?

  1. I’m suprised your boyfriend is tolerating this behavior. If you haven’t already then I think you should voice your feelings to him and maybe he could have a conversation with her about boundaries

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