Hey, ya’ll. So I have been married for about four years. My husband and I’s marriage can be up and down at times. Last year, he lost his job. He was a truck driver for 8 years. We had gotten into it a lot more since we have been married, but mostly over the same stuff. I just completed nursing school and I have started working because for a year I was not working due to losing my job during the pandemic and then getting jobs that weren’t paying well. My husband would throw it in my face that I was not working every time he would get upset. I would have never done that to him because I feel like that is not right. Ever since he lost his job he has been mean, he does not talk to me about his feelings, he is to himself a lot, his moods are up and down, and he still constantly brings up old things that he seems to not be able to let go of. In the last fight we had he was rude. He never sees what he says or how he says the thing is rude as fuck. At this point, I am ready to move on and just ask for a divorce. I did not get married to be disrespected and be with someone who cannot see his all faults, he is immature, and all he thinks is about money. He never sees how his actions affect me or how I feel about things. Maybe he wasn’t really the one for me. After we got married, he drank a lot. He could not handle his liquor. He would want to fight and argue for no apparent reason. He just wasn’t the guy that I first met. He never thinks his drinking is a problem, but it is because of his actions.

We have been doing martial counseling, but I really think it is not helping because he is not true to himself. He wants to say all the right just to say he participated. I want our counseling sessions to be more deeper and focus on him because I think he has a lot of childhood adversities that he needs to heal from.

1 comment
  1. Hes acting out because hes not doing what hes meant to. Provide for you. As he cant, he feels ashamed and the way hes acting is the way that manifests. No marriage survives where the woman is the breadwinner for long. The longer this continues, the worse it’ll get, until, one day you will find him cheating on you. Guaranteed.

    His childhood has nothing to do with it. Someone needs to tell him to stop feeling sorry for himself, step up and provide. Does he have a father figure in his life that can whip him into shape? Or a trusted friend? Someone that can lay down the hard truth for him.

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