We both have broken hearts and are doing our best to get through life, pay bills, make people happy, and still appreciate each other. Her birthday is coming up and I am completely uninspired πŸ™ I feel like a bad guy. I love her so much, and really want her to know how much I appreciate her. I just can’t figure out how to manifest those words into a gift.. help?

  1. Do an experiential gift, take her on a fun date, and do something you’ve never done before.

  2. Ask her what she would like. Look, after 29 years married I finally figured out it is best to gift an item they asked for.

  3. Ask, ask, ask, ask what she wants. get it if you have the funds then get something small as a icing on the cake.

    I remember one day I got my wife a treadmill because she’s been talking about it for 2 months and researching them on Amazon. So I secretly bought one as a surprise. She appreciated it BUT that’s not what she wanted for a birthday gift. What she really wanted was to have sex in the car at home after a date night.
    So guess what, I did that on top of the treadmill. Took her to a comedy show $10 per ticket, date night dinner, and gave her the first sex in the car when we got home. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ It was great.

  4. Get her one of those personalized songs in addition to whatever she asks for

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