So…I’m a single mom to 3 kids, have always been kind of a homebody, but I’ve been single for a bit and trying out dating apps. Nothing has stuck for me, and the couple I was still interested in after meeting apparently didn’t feel the same way.🤷‍♀️ I keep hearing I should get out and meet people in real life, but having never really dated anyway…where does one go to do that? Not a drinker, so bars are not my thing.

  1. I’m in a similar situation, except I quit all the dating apps shortly after starting them. I realized that with my 3 kids, it’s tough to even find time for myself, let alone to dote on someone else. That being said, I find nights, especially, to be extremely lonely. After the kids go to bed and you only have your own thoughts for company, it gets really easy to think about what you’re missing. Unfortunately, the dating scene now is nowhere near what it was my first time around, and I’m completely out of my depth. I’ve basically resigned myself to waiting until the kids get older at this point, but if you find anything that works for you, please don’t hesitate to share!

  2. 35 F here as well and was recently dumped. I have no idea how to start over in this day of age and at my age. Your questions are definitely valid. It seems insurmountable to me right now.

  3. Do you have hobbies? Are there events (concerts, dances, theater shows, live music) you can go to? Do you have friends to go out with or who can set you up on blind dates? Do you attend a single parents group? Do you go to any sort of group fitness classes? Do you have a cause you care about you can volunteer for?

    Please note some of these are not direct ways to go out and hit on people. They are to help build your social circle, which will larger picture help you meet more people, which is how you find people to date.

  4. Even guys with no minor children can find it a challenge dating these days. I think from both sides, it can be hard to find the connection. Even more difficult (whether you are male or female) if most people of the other gender write you off as someone to date & get to know without even taking the time to try. There have been people I have been acquainted with in the past who are nothing like you would think they would be & the only way to see what someone is really like, is to take the time to talk with them via voice, video, *AND* in person.

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