the big issues not the pet peeves

  1. Every single day i wish I didn’t wake up from my sleep. But when I do I have to keep doing what I got to do.

  2. Well techically still married but seperated. The biggest problem is when she lost her desire/respect for me. I did nothing different, tried actively to spend time with her, and bring romance and it didnt matter she held contemptment for me for years. If it wasn’t for my child i would of kicked her out long ago. Most married men will tell you the same after a while a women just gives up no longer wants to be interested in you and chase some other romantic high.

    Women will tell you that she was stressed, u didnt try hard enough, or even u picked the wrong partner, etc always your fault but it just not true, divorce is easy for women now and there no more though thick or thin.

  3. Doubts can really set in as the kid(s) get older and more independent. You can lose a lot of respect for her contribution when it’s so much less than what she put in when they were little. It’s a hard transition on everyone.

  4. Never. I believe in our wedding vows “for better, for worse” as much as our motto, “Semper Fidelis”.

    Neither wifey nor I will ever break either one.

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