What is your motivation to work out/stay fit?

  1. For my health, I’m hoping that by exercising regularly, I’ll be able to do more things without dizziness and exhaustion

  2. I just wanna be able to wear clothes that look good on me honestly

  3. Just feeling more confident and comfortable with myself to be honest.

  4. Fun. Acquiring and maintaining neat skills. Liking the way I look. General health.

  5. This is all kinds of toxic but… I can’t shake the feeling that I’ll lose value as a person if I don’t adhere to societal standards to always be borderline underweight and look as close to 20 as possible. I’m not saying any of this is true, only that it’s a legit fear I struggle with. I was raised by misogynistic men and I’m still trying to undo the damage in therapy.

  6. To be stronger, healthier and live longer.

    I’m a small person, always kind of a ninny – I want to feel stronger, more capable. I’m aware of my health – at 42, I read all the “once you turn thirty, sleeping gives you backaches” memes – that doesn’t reflect reality for me, and I don’t want it to. I feel healthier and my body feels better than it literally ever has, and as life is also better, more fun, more indulgent, than my 20’s or 30’s, I want to keep my body on the good side of that curve. And because I really feel like I’ve finally hit the best in life, I am aware of investing the effort in maintaining it.

    A killer ass is a byproduct of what’s really important.

  7. I like fashion and I want to look good wearing nice outfits. That’s it. That’s my whole shallow reason

  8. Never worked out consistently in my whole life. Before I get older, I want to build healthier habits that will help me keep my quality of life.

  9. I only do exercise that I enjoy in some way. My cardio is hiking and walking, and I do those because of the pure entertainment value, getting to be outside, getting out into nature, or in the case of city walks seeing some weird shit or trying new places or just… appreciating my city.

    Strength training is something I do because it gives me some me time to watch videos or listen to music or watch movies even, easily gives me little hits of dopamine for new accomplishments, and something about picking up heavy things and setting them back down is fun for me.

    So much of the motivation comes from those things. There are other benefits, like preventing bone less or strength loss over time, keeping my heart healthy, etc. But I know myself well enough to know that those things alone wouldn’t be enough to keep me doing it lmao.

  10. Long term health. I also have bum knees, even a 10lb weight gain I feel.

  11. When I was younger, it was only because I wanted to look good. But now, it’s because I want to look good + I care about my health a lot more.

  12. i became addicted. if i don’t workout, i go a bit crazy. in my 20s, all vain reasons, fixated on being lean and weight lifting. now its routine. all mental. feel good. sleep good.

  13. When you’re skinny/fit life is just a lot easier, where to begin?

    Skin is a lot better and stays clearer easier

    You sleep a LOT better when you’re smaller

    More energy and strength to make it throughout the day

    Easier time clothes shopping because more things fit you

    Easier time in the bedroom with partners

    Easier to slip through crowds and escape places

    I normally jog a few miles a day in the morning then again at night, I only hit the gym if it’s raining or too hot to run, gyms are 24/7 here so it’s easy to find time to workout

    If I feel like I’m getting lazy with my jogging I watch an episode of “My 500 pound life” and that quickly motivates me to get off my ass lol

  14. To have better sex. Good sex technique requires some muscle endurance and strength. I think about the kind of sex I want to have when my workout feels so tough.

  15. It’s the part of trying to manage my risk of diabetes that comes easiest to me. Not easy, but I struggle way less than with controlling my food and weight. So I’m sticking to it.

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