To all the guys with best friends, how long has your friendship(s) been going strong?

  1. My childhood best friend: 16 years, live Two states apart and could call the guy right now and pick up a conversation from two weeks ago to the sentence and continue where we left off.

    My current best friend: 9 years and I could yell across the room and pick up the conversation we had 45 seconds ago to the sentence where we left off minus the part I forgot what we were talking about. 😂

  2. I met him at work in early 2017. Been friends for 6 years now.

    He was originally my supervisor at work but I remember judging him by the way he dressed and assumed be was into metal so I randomly asked “Do you like metal music?” And he said yes and bam.. conversation started. Then we started talking about other stuff and realised we had a lot of things in common.

    In those 6 years. His told me personal secrets that I will take to my grave and he knows personal secrets of mine. He was a huge part in my mental health and confidence getting better. He has stuck up for me and I’ve stuck up for him. We both have told each other that we love one another (as friends) and how much we care about another (Normally when we are drunk but still).

    I’m glad I met him and yeah. I do love the guy. His the best friend I could ever ask for. I message him all time. Messaged him a lot today just talking about metal bands.

    Also bought tickets for me and him to see Limp Bizkit and Pendulum in London this August and both saving up money to go to download 2024 Festival

    That’s just my best friend. I also have 5 other amazing male friends and 3 awesome female friends

    I know I’m lucky that I have 9 really great friends. Some people don’t even have 1 which is disheartening

  3. 23 years. My Highschool buddy. We have had seasons were we fall out of touch, then come back together. He recently got married and we do couples stuff together weekly now. I am trying to get him to buy the house next door to mine so we can build a tunnel between the basements.

  4. Think it was about 17 years ago when we met and became best friends. I consider him my brother and would fight for/with him like family.

  5. **18 years** of my 24 year long life: Met him in kindergarten. Just a friendship then. Studied together for 14 years till highschool. Surprisingly, even when rooms were selected at random, still we ended up being roommates in our pre-med coaching center. Currently in different colleges but still meets where we are are back in town.

    **12years** : We met a 8th grade and spend rest of school together until high-school. He went abroad for college but regularly video calls and would cancel all other plans to meet when he visit town during his vacation (which is once every year or two).

  6. Made all my friends after high school

    I can’t narrow down to just one best friend, but one of my bffs is about 13 years strong

    About to celebrate our 10 year friendaversary with 3 more this July

  7. Going 21 years now. Met my best friends in high school and college. Another one I met 8 years ago and have really gotten along well because we both have kids the same age and love video games and movies.

  8. Mine was born 13 days after me, we are 66 years old. Neighbors, same schools, grad schools, different majors, different careers, now different countries. Everytime I see him it’s like it was just since yesterday.

  9. Two guys from high school. This weekend is my high school class’s 60th reunion.

  10. Me and my best friend have been friends since I was 9 so 36 years now. We’re like brothers.

  11. I haven’t spoken to my BF in about ten years. When I go back home, we’ll hang out exactly the same way we did at 18, 28, and 38. Then we likely won’t talk again for 5 years.

    Adulthood is weird.

  12. Childhood best friends. About 21 years now lol. They’ve long since transcended best friends and become my brothers. If they ever see this, love you Ryan and Jordyn 🙏🏾

  13. 25 years. I’m 28 years old. Met him in kindergarten. We still play cricket together everyday

  14. Damn, so many lucky friends here. I have known a lot of people, but never truly had a best friend. I have been hanging out a lot with someone for the last close to 7 months, but he wont call me his best friend. Hopefully someday soon… just want to see him do well.

  15. 15 years.

    We first met back in 2008 as high school freshman at church. He was super quiet and I was as well. We naturally bonded because we were the same age and shared similar interests.

    We kept in touch throughout college, when he was in the army, and so forth.

    I was his best man at his wedding 2 years ago. He has since moved several states away for work and started a family but we still keep in touch.

    Life goes on and I likely will be limited in seeing him from now on just because we each have our own lives. But he is my best friend and we will always stay in touch.

  16. 12 years. We met in business school for evening classes, both trying to get more money for less work.

  17. Ive been friends with my two besties from 2nd grade for over 25 years now. I was literally just texting one about UFO disclosure. We live across the country from each other, so we meet up a couple times a year.

    I have very close friends where i live now that i met in high school, and we’ve been tight for about 15 years. I see most of them once a week for game night. With football season, we see each other more like twice a week.

    I feel very lucky to have good friendships in my 30s

  18. 23 years.

    We met playing high school football. We weren’t that close in high school and we fell out of touch when he was in the Marines.

    We rekindled the friendship in university (15 years ago), and we talk to each other about once a week and meet up about once a month. His friendship was hugely important while my wife was battling cancer, and he has been a great friend since she passed away. I’m glad we’re in each other’s lives as much as we are. Heck, I talk with him more than I talk with my oldest brother.

  19. Lets just call this thread “an Ode to Brothers from different Mothers”

    Mine, 21 years. Went to a ski town. We all ended meeting thru random friendcounters and ended up rooming in a big house together for years. It has been a helluva ride. Wouldn’t/couldn’t wish for better wingman.

  20. Over a decade. He lives in another state now but we still chat and visit every once and awhile

  21. Know my best bud since we were 2 or somthing like this, until 18 or something we were really good but did not do lot and had hour on and off phases but since the pandemic we hang on a lot together. This will definitely stay till death

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