I’m trying to differentiate talking to different women and how I can determine if I just think they’re physically attractive to “sparks flying”

  1. For a romantic relationship, she needs to be honest, friendly, respectful and respectable, fun to be with, and reasonably intelligent. But not everyone with those attributes makes sparks fly. There’s something kind of unpredictable and unexplainable about what makes sparks fly. Sometimes it happens with someone you wouldn’t have guessed and sometimes it doesn’t with someone that in theory seems like a good match.

  2. If you like being around them even if sex is not going to happen. Also I feel like a good back and forth chemistry is really important. Other than that I would say enjoying hearing them talk because of the way they think.

  3. It’s hard to define, but easy to recognize. If while you’re talking to her you don’t want the conversation to end, you’re not searching for something to talk about to keep it going, and you like her being around for reasons beyond something to look at…then there’s something potentially romantic there.

    ETA: “sparks” implies chemistry that you can’t explain, predict or control. But if you’re smart you won’t ignore it either when it happens. When it’s there, it’s amazing.

  4. Taste in music means a lot to me. The first time I met my wife I was playing Mother by Danzig on Guitar Hero. She started testing my knowledge of The Misfits and other punk bands, and I fell in love that night.

  5. I come to understand there sense of humor, character, and cute nuances. It naturally makes me want to pursue something more than just sex. I absolutely have to be attracted to them from the beginning.

  6. Before sex you wont know 100%. Youre still thinking with your dick. After sex, when youve already gotten the main urge/desire out of the way and your mind isnt clouded with horny thoughts, if you still want to keep seeing her then it wasnt just for sex and you actually are romantically attracted.

  7. I love a goofy girl. Get romantic and silly with me babygirl.🤪😍🥰

  8. Their personality of being feminine. That kind, bubbly, energetic attitude that makes me want to be around her

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