What was the worse rejection you got from asking a person out, boy or girl?

  1. “I’d rather kill myself” or being called gross or ugly

    Nothing crazy or wild thankfully

  2. Wasnt a asking out rejection but…

    When I was in 7th grade I didnt have a pen and borrowed one from the girl that sat next to me.

    At the end of class I went to give it back to her and she said “I dont want that anymore, you touched it.”

    Not sure anything else a girl has said has ever hit me like that did.

  3. Luckily, i only confessed once in my life, and it was simply a “no. Sorry”. So i guess i didn’t have it too bad

  4. A girl I really liked and who liked me just said “I do like you but not now”.

    8 years later when I was out of a long term relationship she told me that she was now ready. I haven’t spoken to her since.

  5. Once I asked a girl to a dance as a friend. She then asked me out. A week later a different guy asks her out and she breaks things off.

    Another one I asked a girl from work to a dance. We had been talking for a while and I wanted to get to know her better. She said “maybe” and walked away. Come to find out one of my coworkers asked her out literally an hour before that.

    Another one I got rejected and then a bunch of dipshits made her look home dead in the eyes and say she didn’t like me.

    And now I don’t ask anyone out because I’ve gained social anxiety in this field. Fml.

  6. I had a crush on this guy. Called him up and asked him out. He said no and proceeded to tell me that I was cute but fat, and how did I expect to get a boyfriend if I’m fat? That was years ago, and to this day, I’m still afraid to tell ask any guys out.

  7. Most of my relationships started with the woman asking me out. I’m lucky that women seem to approach me or make the first move.

    Lucky I’ve always got rejected in nice ways and I can take rejection so im always on good terms with the women who rejected me.

    However SOME women have not been nice to my rejections

  8. “you know we’re not going to work out right?” While walking with my ex gf through Amsterdam at night. I was feeling quite alright that evening, enjoying the quality time we were having, and even that sudden negative comment did not hurt in the moment. But it got under my skin. I knew it meant she didn’t really believe in a future for us, while I did. I should have made plans with her so she could have seen that side of me, but instead I started waiting for her to get her own life in order first thinking that her doubt was just her own uncertainty and would go away once she had a new contract for a new place of residence. With that doubt in my mind I froze up rather than going trough.

  9. “No, I won’t kiss you.” Me: “Why not?” Her: “Because you have princess hair.” Chick was mad jealous of my curls.

  10. I got I have a boyfriend after she gave me every possible signal in the book. After that I’m just done trying to piece shit together either it’ll come naturally or I’ll die alone. Had a insane crush on her for two years just to be immensely crushed.

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