Here in Puerto Rico, the lines are stretching all around the restaurant, even after their debut about 2 years ago. I’ve noticed the same thing in Texas and many cities through the states. It’s good food but it’s a bit on the higher priced side. What makes it have such a gigantic line everyday, despite its higher price point?

  1. Because people like it. I’ve seen a lot of attempts at really long-winded explanations, but it’s legitimately that simple.

  2. Americans love fried chicken, and if you do fried chicken better than Popeyes or KFC….expect a long line. When i was a kid we had this place that combined fried chicken, sauced chicken wings and super good pizza and they did delivery….yeah we would have the whole family over and it was amazing!

  3. Eat Mor Chicken – that cow psychology seems to have worked. Those bovines be bitchin’

  4. I will also say those long lines at CFA move lightning fast. If most of us saw a line like that at any other fast food place we’d just drive by and not bother.

  5. I mean, the lines for Popeye’s in Puerto Rico are also insanely long.

    I think the fast food chains that don’t have stores every couple miles (like Burger King and Church’s) get people traveling from a wide area for them.

    It’s the same in California for In N Out Burger. They are just insanely popular.

  6. compared to what you might get at other restaurants? the food is just plain better and youre usually not questioning if the employees are serving up shit compared to the one you usually frequent.

    the lines usually arent awful in cfa neither when it comes down to which restaurant can clear a 10 car line quicker.

  7. Same here in Fl-end up going around X 3. Quality is much better than you-know-who🌞

  8. Location is also a factor. In my county of over 600k people. For a while we only had 3 of them spread throughout the county. And 2 were right off the interstate. So you had people coming from nearby, and those just passing through.

  9. >**It’s good food** but it’s a bit on the higher priced side. What makes it have such a gigantic line everyday, despite its higher price point?

    Turns out there’s actually a demand for quality, and a lot of people will actually pay more money for and/or wait longer for quality, and Chik-Fil-A is always near the top of fast food chicken sandwich comparisons.

    There’s also somewhat of a supply issue, in that Chik-Fil-A does not allow absentee owners which reduces the supply of restaraunts to somewhat lower than it would be otherwise.

  10. Because Chick Fil A is good and has a very simple menu.

    Same with In-N-Out Burger

  11. It’s good food. But my experience with chick fil a is the long line should go quick.

  12. It’s extremely popular, the food is always consistent, chicken is good, and top tier customer service. I personally avoid any fast food place that is busy because like the same says. I’m there for fast food. I’m not waiting around for basic food.

  13. Good fast food and they are the most efficiently run fast food place out there.

    Customer service is also much better than any other fast food joint.

    They have long lines but you could be 20 cars deep and get your food quicker than 2nd in line at other places.

  14. It’s consistent and the service is good. Is there better fried chicken out there? Sure. Is there a better *run* chain out there? Not really.

  15. higher quality of food is permitted to have higher price. It isn’t an outrageous price, it is just a once in awhile kinda place to eat at.

  16. One thing I like about CFA is that every time I get something there it’s consistently good and people don’t act like I’m bothering them by being in their workplace.

  17. People like it and its pretty good for fast food. The one i can’t figure out is Dutch Bros and their cult like following.

  18. The strange thing is that it’s recent. 50 years ago, almost all their restaurants were in malls at a time when food courts were still rare, at least where I lived. 25 years ago, they were still mostly in mall food courts, but were expanding their standalone restaurants. Even fifteen years ago, their drive through lines weren’t especially longer than anyone else’s. A year or so before the beginning of the pandemic I started to see much longer lines, then the pandemic hit and lines were wrapped around the building. And that’s *after* they stopped selling coleslaw. Weird.

  19. It’s a popular fast food restaurant with pretty consistent quality.

    They tend to run fairly well organized and lines are fast moving.

    I see the same thing with In-N-Out Burger for similar reasons.

  20. CFA is well run and has a good product. Lots of people want it. The restaurants are clean inside and have wifi. If I have an hour to kill, I’d rather do it there than at Starbucks.

    I agree that prices have risen during covid, but that’s true for all fast food. Nobody is selling a $3 lunch any more, not since covid anyway.

  21. Chick fila brings in more business per store than any other fast food chain. Thus the lines.

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