We’ve been together for years, many times she’s asked to hold my dick while I pee, or for me to go myself while she’s also in the bathroom. It’s never been sexual in nature, our sex life is fantastic though mostly vanilla.

The other night we were taking a shower together after regular sex, and completely unprompted she said “You know I’d totally let you piss on me if you wanted to”. That isn’t *technically* asking for it but c’mon.

I don’t have a piss kink myself but I’m always happy to make her happy, and the idea does sound a little hot. The problem is that I physically can’t pee in front of other people, unless I really need to go bad, or have headphones in so I can focus on that. It’s entirely subconscious, but if someone walks into a public restroom while I’m about to pee, I need to either try again later or wait for them to leave.

Consciously, I don’t care. It doesn’t bother me at all if people see/hear me, and I’d love to explore this side of my gf’s sexuality if I could. I’d let her aim at the toilet for me and we’ve tried before, but I physically can’t.

It’s probably rooted in some kind of anxiety, but it’s more annoying. Like a short person reaching for the highest shelf, it’s frustrating that I can’t reach but it’s out of my control.

Any tips for getting over this? Either in general or with a partner specifically, all advice is helpful.

  1. >unless I really need to go bad

    Drink a gallon of water, hop in the shower, and have at it. I would think that once you’ve done it once or twice, it will start to come easier and you’ll experience less anxiety about it.

  2. U can get through this. Tell her your shy but give her what she wants. Start out every time u Pee let her watch u Pee so mentally your comfortable with her being near u.

  3. I did some fun play. It was more like getting me to drink water and then pee and report back. Kind of a low risk way to start.

    Do you know if she’s more into just watching or has any Dominance/submission kinks associated with it? I.e. asking for permission, or being the peed on.

  4. Have her sit next to the toilet on the floor ready for you while you piss. Maybe run the sink

  5. Drink beer for a slight dampening of inhibition and a mighty need to piss!

    But from the sounds of it you can already go when she’s in the room with you?

  6. I think peeing kinks are pretty common. Wait until you have to pee really bad and indulge her fantasy.

  7. Count or do multiplication tables in your head, it will relax you and take away the anxiety

  8. My man! Lucky you. My wife and I just started exploring this ourselves. It’s not an “all the time” thing, but rather an occasional thing that we really enjoy.

    What works for us is getting in our tub/shower and one of us will lay down and get as low as we can. The other person will then get in and stand above each other and then just relax and let it fly. It’s super hot when you’re in the mood. I love getting peed on my face, but she doesn’t. She likes it on her boobs.

    Then you can both shower afterward and clean each other up. It’s a harmless kink. Have fun exploring it!

  9. first order of business is communication
    talk to her about it, tell her what you just told us, maybe trying a little “you first” as she pees will help you relax.

    don’t force it, ease in real slow and minimize pressure. remember its not a do or die test

    good luck

  10. Just drink a lot of Gatorade something that’ll make your piss smell good and I suggest why you taking that shower just let it go

  11. Practice by standing 3 feet away from the urinal? 😂.

    Maybe look over and compliment your neighbours Frank n beans?

    I honestly have no clue and read no more than the title…

  12. Oh wow that is awesome she is so open and sweet about it. I think if you talked to her about your anxiety she would probably listen. The nuclear option of drinking a lot of water and running a shower or bath might work great and she might love to be a part of it. Take a deep breath and hold it then release and repeat that you will go. I learned this because I had a girlfriend who wanted to hold my dick to write her name as I peed in the snow I was very nervous. She held me gently, whispered all kinds of naughty things into my ear, said hold your breath which I did, and when I started going I was still holding my breath as she wrote a heart in the snow. After that you bet I peed on her in the shower, she peed on me, it was so much fun, and incredibly hot. It sounds like she is witty and has a way with words your a lucky man. Best wishes to you and her.

  13. Coming from a person who loves his GF to pee on me, have a couple drinks and let it happen. Your pee will be clear and you’ll be ready to continue the action, soaked or not. Don’t do it in the bed, use a towel or something on the floor! You can always wash it later.

    Good luck!

  14. you can maybe train your brain to get used to peeing when your wife is around.
    Everytime you need to pee, ask your wife to suddenly stand near you. Eventually your brain should get used to having you pee near your wife.

  15. same boat as u buddy, basically what i id was start out by just sending vids of me pissing to her so i got comfotable “being watched” then try it with her aftually watvhing in the room. then move to shower and give it a go.

  16. Here’s a tip that’s pretty useful for peeing in public and I guess could help here. Every time you want to pee, go to the toilet and count in your head 3,2,1, go. then pee. Do this every time you go pee. Then when you’re in a situation where you can feel the anxiety just count down in your head and you’ll find you’ll pee just like you did all the times before.

  17. Hold it as long as you can then take a shower with her…soap her up, have her back that ass up and rub up and down her crack, then let her rip…! That’s how I started it with my wife…

  18. My ex loved pissed play…i had a shy bladder at times when first trying this out but realized that went away after a few beers…once i’ve got a nice buzz the flood gates open…chug a few beers and give it a go

  19. First i would clarify to make sure its not a joke. If it was a joke you bout to make a big mistake lol

  20. By brute forcing your bladder to pee, drink water until you can’t hold it anymore and a couple of beers and then shower her Niagara falls style

  21. My advice is to not give in to pee-r group pressure.

    Just go with the flow.

  22. Going to the bathroom with the door open might help. My partner and I don’t ever shut the door. One of us could be using the toilet and the other will come in to grab something or brush their teeth. Then he just peed on my back one day.

    Granted, we are VERY open with the other, I’m not sure how else to get over being shy about it.

  23. The easy way to overcome this would just be to slam the water. If you can barely hold it in when trying, you’ll be able to let it out

  24. Drink lots and lots of water your bladder won’t be shy 😆😆 also practice qegals

  25. It’s just like learning. The beginning seems hard but once you’ve stimulated your neurons enough it should get easier with each time

  26. Hi there ! Shy bladder here as well! Drinking as much water as you can about an hour before showering and let er rip!

    Sometimes peeing in the shower like this without your girl their first so it’s more natural than i troducing her can help!

  27. actually pretty easy to pee on someone, instead of thinking a ton of like, sexy thoughts about it, treat it as a funny little thing you do. because that’s what it is to you. it’s pretty funny to pee on someone, an ex of mine would pee on me whenever we showered just to fuck with me, maybe you can kind of think of it like that

  28. When I was with my first girlfriend, we did pee at eachother ocasionally as a prank, and it wasn’t sexual at all. She would jiu-jitsu me as we showered together and start to pee on me, it was so fucking funny… I still remember her face, it was evil and cute and she would laugh manically while I was trying to free myself, but I wasn’t really grossed out by it. Sometimes I’d fight back.

    The way I see it, is that if you truly love someone, you would take a bullet to the chest just as much as you would take a piss on eachother for fun. If your fun in this case includes sex, why not?

  29. The shower. To start off with let her hold your cock and you close your eyes and let go

  30. Most important thing about this: when pro does this the pee is as clear as posible or in other words, no yellow.

    So, the day you want to do this, drink 2 glass of water lets say and go to pee… and them drink 2 more… and now your pee will be clear and with leas smell.

    Remember, this is a fantasy! Is not about smelly and orange pee..

  31. I was in your shoes. It’s a taught mental block to hold it, but try to relax your body and try to tune out everything else. I close my eyes and just listen to the shower. It’s not because I’m not turned on, but it takes a lot of concentration to get things going

  32. I feel sorry for you if you have ever to take a drug test. They sit there and watch you pee. Lol. Odd that as a guy you have anxiety over peeing near someone. Usually it’s the women that have this

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