men who have never been in a relationship, what do you think is the problem?

  1. I think I would hate it. I don’t think they’re for everybody. Like how parenthood isn’t for everybody

  2. Late bloomer started to put myself out lately and get quite some attention but no relationship yet. Takes time, patience and determination.

  3. Several things:

    1.) Apparently you have to make potential romantic intent know upon meeting, which is just odd and would drive, and has driven, me away if someone tried that. I’d have to get to know someone first before deciding if I wanted to potentially get involved romantically, but most people say you have to decide upon potential romantic involvement and then see if it will work out through dates, just makes no sense to me.

    2.) Not even sure I’d be any good at it, but this is minor since I can’t know until I try, but seeing the mass of contradictions that everyone seems to encounter in relationships, it doesn’t fill me with confidence.

    3.) I like my alone time, but all the women I have ever known well enough to think I’d like to try a relationship with them have been the total opposite. People say opposites attract, but I’ve never heard of opposites lasting.

    4.) Never asked anyone, probably due to Social Anxiety, but its hard enough for me to make acquaintances, so a relationship? Also, rejection hurts, everyone says its not so bad, and while I’ve never been romantically rejected, I’ve been rejected to plenty of other things and it really kills you perception of self worth, I’m not sure if its worth the risk.

  4. 1. I’ve always been convinced that I’m ugly/unattractive so I can honestly believe that any woman would ever be interested in me.
    2. I don’t think I can make it work
    3. I don’t think I have anything to offer

    And as a side note I think it’s too late for me at 40

  5. I thought it was me. Then I found confidence and started dating. And it’s clearly not me. I mean I had issues before but I solved them. All these people are fucked up dude.

  6. My social skills, and lack of confidence/self esteem.

    i also have a face that could be used as a scarecrow.

  7. I’ve never had confidence in myself, and that pushed me to porn quite early. In school and college, I was more concerned about studying, and also didn’t feel like I was ready for it.

    Now, in my late-20s, everybody knows at least a thing or two about it, except me. It’s hard to go after stuff without experience and when the competition has it.

  8. Unattractive, autistic, introverted, don’t do drugs, don’t party, don’t have any way to meet women not online, poor, virgin, physical and mental health issues, possibly terminal in the near future physical health issues, small penis, bad at small talk, too polite/nice, too honest, workaholic, mixed race, quiet, too laid back

  9. I don’t know how to pick people, over time have slowly given up.

  10. I’ve been in a couple (currently in one). My advice to guys who haven’t been in any is to stop making excuses. Even if you are struggling in dating, just try new strategies or open yourself up to different women. Having the skills to attract women takes some time to develop, but the potential is there for every man. Just stop playing the victim game

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