I Masterbate alot and every time I do it, I realize in the middle that I’m holding my breath but when I try to breath through masterbation it ends up not being pleasant.
Does anybody else do this?

  1. You guys are experiencing partial autoerotic asphyxiation… don’t go down that road.. it’s what killed Michael Hutchence…

  2. I used to do it a lot unconsciously as a teen when wanking. But as I got older and was having PIV sex it just wasn’t practical as I was physically active.

  3. I hold my breath (I’m a woman btw) and I honestly struggle to cum if I don’t hold my breath. I don’t have an asphyxiation kink, it’s just helps me stay focused on the feeling cos otherwise I get too distracted to cum (joys of adhd). So yeah, don’t worry about, you’re not the only one

  4. Learning to breathe through all sexual activity was key to my learning to relax and enjoy it, control and delay orgasms, and laugh or talk about what’s going on when it’s happening, rather than just the all serious power through in the dark under the blankets trip.

    Learning to breathe through orgasms has helped them be more of a full body experience rather than a dick sneeze, which can actually be painful for me.

  5. I used to do it a lot I think I still do it occasionally but I’ve done my best to practice breathing while masterbating and I’d like to think it’s helped but I still have a choking kink 🤷‍♀️

  6. I used to do it a lot I think I still do it occasionally but I’ve done my best to practice breathing while masterbating and I’d like to think it’s helped but I still have a choking kink 🤷‍♀️

  7. I do to get over that little hump right before climax, always have even as a teen. Now that’s how my partner knows I’m right there lol! I didn’t know that wasn’t normal. It helps me focus to not lose it or dud myself out. And it’s never lead to strangulation fetish. I also have really bad adhd and would find myself being overly performative and not getting to climax in the past. If it works for you then great, why not

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