What are you thoughts of people who refuse to pay taxes ?

  1. Fuck y’all 🖕🏻

    But also, like, pls show me how to not pay taxes either…

  2. Look filing taxes sucks ass but you gotta file like the rest of us assholes

  3. If people/companies refuse to pay the taxes they owe, despite being given multiple opportunities to do so, that cuts into the budgets of police, the military, social safety net programs, infrastructure, and all the other things that government assists with. It creates unnecessary burden on other taxpayers to pick up the slack or deal with the consequences of less government services. Basically, people who purposefully don’t pay taxes are assholes.

    That said, I think there is a good argument that one shouldn’t have to pay taxes until they receive a certain amount of annual income/capital gains, and to make state tax just as if not more progressive than national tax.

    But if you can afford to pay taxes and you refuse, you do deserve negative consequences.

  4. I hope they’re okay with not driving on roads, sending their kids to school, using public libraries, calling 911, or anything else taxes pay for.

  5. I mean ask Wesley Snipes, Al Capone, and Ja Rule how well that worked out for them.

  6. The irs is rather diligent (and completely fucking terrifying) in getting these people so I don’t think about it too much

  7. I have no opinion. Anyone who doesn’t pay taxes goes to prison. The IRS handles it, not my problem.

  8. I work hard for my modest living. Uncle Sam gets a cut of what I make many times by the time I spend it. If I had any hate towards them it’s disguised jealousy.

  9. I file my US taxes and pay Japanese taxes. I do my share. Any who tries to skip on that deserves jail.

  10. It might not be tomorrow, a month, or even a year from now, but it’s gonna come back to bite you in the ass. Likely ruin your life too. My grandmother skipped out on her taxes for 5 years thinking that she found some sort of loophole. Lawyer fees, the missing taxes, and existing debt nearly sent her into homelessness if we weren’t there to loan her a big chunk of money.

  11. I think they’re the same assholes crying for government help when there’s a natural disaster

  12. I mean, considering Al Capone went down for tax fraud instead of being a mob boss and being involved with countless murders, good luck. The devil works hard but the IRS works harder.

  13. Just a heads up if OP is a foreigner, but most of us have taxes taken out of our Paychex automatically and sent in by our employer.

  14. IRS got an extra funding boost for law enforcement personnel and weapons last year, so let’s see what they think

  15. Refuse to pay? Or take advantage of tax loopholes? Cuz if it’s the first, I’d like to meet someone who pays no taxes. If it’s the second, idk, I can understand why people have issues with it, but I personally try to minimize my taxes as much as possible.

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