And do you spray it directly on you or into the air and walk through it?

If I wear cologne I spray it one time on my wrist and rub it into my other wrist and onto my neck. Maybe because it’s so close to my nose I find the smell overwhelming, but I don’t want to be that guy that you can smell from 15 ft away even if it does smell good. Once I started getting compliments at work I stopped wearing it completely lol. I find that cologne in general is just too strong so I tend to avoid wearing it even inappropriate settings now. Instead I wear scented lotion.

  1. depends on your intention, if its a casual day, people should only be able to smell you when they hug you, if youre trying to get laid they should smell you before they see you

  2. I was told that you shouldn’t rub cologne because it mixes with your skin’s oils which can potentially change the scent and also dull the overall scent.

    I do spray 2 or 3 spritzes in the air and walk through it. I want to to be fairly even around my upper body (neck, shoulders, upper arms, chest) with no clear “source” of the scent.

  3. > If I wear cologne I spray it one time on my wrist and rub it into my other wrist and onto my neck.

    Don’t rub, tap! Rubbing can change the scent.

    Apart from that, rule of thumb is one or two spritzes directly onto skin. Walking through a Cologne cloud sounds like a massive waste to me, unless it’s a super strong one. Though I have to say I find your reasoning somewhat confusing: If you’re getting compliments, shouldn’t that be a sign to continue doing what you’re doing?

  4. One or two sprays on your chest or neck. It depends on the quality of the fragrance you’re using. Don’t rub it in. I like to avoid wrists because I prefer it to be “closer” to me.

    Spraying perfume into the air and walking into it is a joke and waste.

  5. Depends on the colonge. I typically prefer mild scented ones that aren’t over powering so I’ll spray it onto my neck and torso after I dry off from showering before I put my clothes on.

    Works well, wife says I always smell great and it’s not something that drifts or lingers around the room. Can’t stand it when people walk by and all you can smell for the next ten mins is their cologne.

  6. 1-2 spritzes on a pulse point or part of the list that will get heated like the neck or chest. Spray from 3-6 inches away. Don’t rub, tap, dab or touch it. Let it sink in. Best time is after a shower.

    Done properly it will last longer but not be overpowering.

  7. One spritz on both backs of my palm, one spritz on the left side of my neck and one on my right side, one spritz behind my neck, 3-4 on my chest area, 2-3 on my pants. Yes, I bought cologne because I want people to smell my cologne. Most males in my age range smell like shit (I’m in uni).

  8. I do 5 sprays, unless it’s something I know is really strong. 1 spray behind each ear, 1 on the back of my neck, 1 spray in each collar.

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