Not sure if this should be a support needed or I need advice post

I’ve been on 4 dates with a guy from hinge. We’ve gone out dancing, made out a couple times and in general I think we really like each other.

I kind of have a problem with how he texts though and I wonder if I’m being immature? He takes 12+ hours to text back and most recently… I haven’t heard from him in over a day.

It kind of makes me feel insecure like… did I say something wrong? Was I reading him wrong and he doesn’t really like me?

Also for context, the last text I sent definitely warranted a response.

Plz let me know your opinion and if you think my thoughts are valid. Thx in advance

  1. When he does reply does he clarify ie. sorry I was working or I got distracted. Either way idk it seems like he’s not interested. Personally if was him I’d try and give you so insight as to why the delay but if it’s happening all the time then I’d move on

  2. Call him or just use texting to set up more dates. I personally don’t like to text everyday but that’s just me. If he is interested in person I think that matters more right?

  3. Your thoughts are *valid*, but they may also be insecure. Some guys are just not that great at replying timely, no matter how into you they may be. A few things to keep in mind. Some people don’t stay on social media all the time (shocking, right) or reply to messages during the work day. This may or may not be part of the situation. You have to decide for yourself what your limits are, but I personally would give him a few days to reply before deciding he is now ghosting you or not really into you unless he tells you specifically. Life does happen at times, which can make even someone normally prompt in responding go somewhat off the grid for a time. None of these may apply, but they might & are just examples, not a comprehensive list. He could have gotten sick or in an accident. Something could have happened to his phone/device he uses to communicate with you on. Something could have happened to a family member or friend & he is dealing with that. It could also be that he either did not like you or has now decided you are not right for him, but, if that’s the case, he really should have the courtesy to tell you & not simply ghost you or leave you hanging.

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