I broke my Toe at my former employers and I am torn on if it is worth making a claim.

For context, I was asked to assist in unloading a delivery (This wasn’t part of my job) I also didn’t have any PPE at the time.

Basically a long story short, the forklift boom extension wasn’t secured and when my boss drove the forklift it dropped the metal plate boom on my toe and broke it.

I was still able to work from home etc, but it is one of the main factors in my decision to leave that job. People have said I have a case for claiming for the accident but I feel like I am going to throw former colleagues under a bus for a potential pay out.

Need some advice on what I should do.

  1. They have insurance for just this eventuality, so don’t worry about them.

    Make a claim, the pain was very distressing and you had to leave your job because you were scared etc etc (lay it on thick)

    Be quick though, there is a time limit to when you can make a claim.

  2. If it wasnt your job you shouldn’t have been doing it, if you wernt wearing ppe you’ve only got yourself to blame

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