Idk if it’s just me but me and my girlfriends have 0 GAME. How do u dm a guy without just saying “hey”!??!!

  1. Depends on where you DM them
    But guys usually don’t really get hit on much so a hey, little bit over yourself and why you decided to text him might do wonders.
    Keep it simple and genuine

  2. I just incorporate something they said, I also go for guys I feel a connection with so it’s easier to come ip with what to say but that’s just me

  3. You don’t need game lol you’re a girl, you just send a hey and if they’re interested they’ll respond

  4. If you’re using dating apps then go through their profile and ask a thoughtful question. If they find you attractive, then they’ll keep the convo going

  5. Regardless where you DM them, they have photos, a bio, etc…
    What do you see in there that’s of interest to you? Something you like, something you’d like to try, someplace you’d like to go, something you’re curious about, etc…
    Find a common interest and use it to initiate conversation.

    Don’t be the type of girl who simply sends “hey”, make sure your messages are complete phrases, don’t let him do the heavy lifting throughout all the conversation, etc…

  6. No need for game just make it know you a women and they’ll start DM you

  7. What are you DMing them FOR? Friendship? A date? To sext?

    It’s all going to depend on what you want

  8. what? women game?? just with a “hi” not even the “HI” just the H and you’re done

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