Hello. So here’s the background. We are both Christian and we are friends. So we have been getting to know each other, and talking most of the time in chat because its still pandemic season. So what I have noticed in her faith is she knows non negotiable doctrines, but the problem is, she lacks discernment of other Christian stuffs like deeper truths and she is not that deep in her knowledge on God’s word. More like she needs to grow more on her roots on God’s word

Yesterday, she posted this with her picture on instagram. I will give a part of her post because its relevant on my situation

“I’ve always wanted to go far, but going deeper looks more attractive to me now. Delighting where God has planted me and growing my roots may seem more boring but it’s really just about obeying, enjoying Him and His “more abundant” life plans for us!

and guess what I found? It is so not boring! Letting God grow your roots can make your life really colorful! 😂 eh, now I know this is what living looks like. 🥳”

I am going to say its a good post. A good personal testimony, but I am quite disappointed in terms on pursuing her down the road. Because it seems that before she think that going deep on studying God’s word is boring for her before, now she realized its not boring and its enjoyable. Well I think part of her realization is when we get to know each other, she noticed that I really am enjoying on studying God’s word but she was not yet sold by that before. I think she just realized recently its enjoyable on studying God’s word

But taking on her post in terms of pursuing, I feel like she is not that ripe yet in terms of her faith walk with God. Because she admitted that she needs to go deeper based on her post. And yes, I wanted someone if I am pursuing one, who is already grounded in God’s word

Also, I am just really sad she has not reply back to me for 3 days already..After she recommened me a podcast on how to overcome insecurities in which I told her I will let her know my thoughts after I listen to it. Because I am just really curious why she sent me that and also me asking her what are her thoughts on the podcast, no replies from her still

I prayed to God about it to bring clarity on the situation if I should still pursue her down the road or not. Because if I am being honest, I am not 100% sold on her at this moment..Any thoughts or advice on this? Thanks!

  1. Don’t ruin a great relationship because she was honestly reflecting.

    Every Christian should want to get deeper, regardless of where they currently are. It’s not a lack of deepness, it’s pressing humility and acknowledgement the there’s more to God.
    The Apostle Paul pressured that many times in the epistles, including the famous “that I may know him”.

  2. Healthy relationships are based on open and honest communication between mature consenting adults who treat each other with respect and share common interests and compatible life goals.

    As a believer, let me remind you that there are over 30k different christian denominations that have a wide variety of doctrine and customs within all different cultures.

    Being a servant to the Lord Jesus Christ( creator of Heaven and Earth who died for our sins and rose again) is a personal journey of self discovery that lasts a lifetime. Each of us must walk the path before us according to our own understanding.

    I wish you well.

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