If someone you loved broke it off but said they wanted to work it out, would you consider it?

  1. Twice. One time it just didn’t work and that was okay. The other I got stabbed for breaking up again since she cheated again.

  2. “Taking some time off” just means I want to break up but don’t have the spine to commit and want to come back if I don’t find anyone better.

  3. I let an ex talk me out of a break-up while I was doing it.

    When the same borderline behaviors kept coming up again, I broke off for good 4 months later. This time, I ignored her tears.

  4. Once, and we’ve since been happily married for decades with amazing kids.

    People grow and change.

  5. I did once (not cheating,) and things were wonderful. We broke up much later because of life, location, and circumstance.

  6. No.

    *”If someone you loved broke it off but said they wanted to work it out, would you consider it?”*


  7. It’s nice to see some posts from people who have rekindled a romance and it worked out, but as a rule i think it’s a bad idea. The more you want them back the faster you should run if they do come back. Unfortunately, very few people have wisdom and willpower to actually act on this advice.

  8. Never. If we ended things, it was for a good reason. Nothing has changed, so why go back? Moving forward is always best.

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