Exactly what it says , I’m 22 F and I’m not sure not to get back into dating or having friends again. The last relationship I had lasted for 2 years and I was being cheated on the whole time by my ex best friend. I haven’t been dated or tried to have friends in the last 3 years I know I’m still very young but I just want to be able to open myself up again. I feel a little ashamed but I just stopped talking to all my friends I closed myself up and I stopped being interested in anyone I meet/ text. I don’t know why I just can’t seem to keep a conversation going or keep myself interested. I know it might seem silly but it’s really messed with me I feel
So alone. I’ve moved on from my past relationship I just need to pointers on how to open up can someone please help. No hate please thank you and sorry for the inconvenience! 😓

  1. What interests you? You’re likely to find like-minded individuals in places where your interests lie. Any hobbies that you do that involve public spaces are a great start. Do you like books? Library or book store. Like cooking? Produce section or a kitchenware store. Like online games? Look for online communities for people that share your interests.

    You get what you put in, or as the saying goes “You reap what you sow.” If you’re bad at keeping in contact with others, you can definitely be upfront about that. You may be neurodivergent and have difficulties with tasks like this. You don’t need to be vulnerable to make friends. It’s also okay to have different levels of friendship. Not everyone needs to be your bestie, bestie.

    The most important rule is to set boundaries. For others and yourself. Don’t let yourself get hurt, and don’t be afraid to remind others what you are and are not comfortable with. With all that said, get out there and try to find someone you can relate to. Worst case scenario, you end up doing something you enjoy, even if it’s by yourself.

  2. You can’t force this, it might have been 3 years and you might try to convince us that you’re over it but it doesn’t seem like it.

    Did you get any therapy or do any self work?

  3. I would do therapy. Don’t love someone until you love ur self. It doesn’t sound like ur ready for a relationship

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