The title says it all.

  1. A few months ago I started to open the car door for her. She’s eating it up. It gives her a big smile everyone.

  2. Before we had kids, so the first 4 years of our marriage, and if she went to bed before I did, I would tuck her into bed and kiss her goodnight. I didn’t get up to do it one night and she told me how much she loved it.

  3. When I was in college, I was friends with this gal who was wheelchair bound. One day she wanted to hang out with me at this place that wasn’t wheelchair accessible. So I had to carry her up the stairs while carrying her other wheelchair that was foldable. I was used to pushing her around all the time, so It didn’t feel Ike a big deal.

  4. She told me bright yellow cheers her up. Its not her favorite color, but cheers her up. I got a lemon themed reusable bag so she always had something to cheer her up.

  5. I don’t know, most anything i’ve done out of love or just to do something nice was usually meet with some form of criticism on what I did.

  6. Honestly, it’s cliche but my wife loves flowers. So everytime I get them for her she gets all excited and gitty to see them. The bigger, more beautiful, the better lol

  7. One of the first times she stayed the night the next morning, I cleared the ice off her car for her. Found out later that she was telling her roommates and mom and whoever else about it. I’ve been clearing her car off for over 15 years now.

  8. I make her birthday cards from scratch. I do the design, art, all the writing, etc. I did it the first year we were together because I lived in the middle of nowhere and I had a few hours to kill at the office with a commercial printer and graphic design software. Seemed like a better idea than doing the 80 minute round trip to buy a card. She loved it and I’ve been doing it ever since.

  9. Forehead kisses. Never really thought about it, but this was the first kiss I gave her, even before we started dating. Still makes her super happy, especially a lot of small quick gentle ones. Makes her heart melt and gives her a feeling of safety, she would often doze off right in my arms, too. A small thing, but a cute one.

  10. Braiding her hair.
    Started to avoid mouthful of hair in the morning, now ita every night for last 15 years at least.

  11. My wife and I struggled to have our first child. It took about 3 years and she miscarried a few times in that period. We were talking one afternoon and she was feeling down and discouraged about the whole process. I promised her that I would put a baby in her arms one way or another. I didn’t think too much of it, I was just trying to say something comforting to make her feel better. But she’s mentioned probably a dozen times since then how much that off-the-cuff comment meant to her.

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