Just need to vent. Lately my entire life has been falling to pieces. About to lose my job at my local hospital because I keep calling in sick (I’m immunocompromised), my mom is going through the stages of kidney failure (she’s at stage 3B), management has been on my case, and yesterday my (now ex) GF texted me saying she wants to just be friends and that we’re both too busy to date. How the hell do y’all do this?

  1. You just keep moving, you can get a job anywhere there’s thousands of jobs, f#$% that job. Your gf ain’t s%$# you can find someone way better then her. As for mom enjoy your time with her and stay strong. I knew a guy who lost his mom to cancer, his bm left him, but he didn’t let it stop him he still worked his ass off. Excuses don’t help the situation you have to find solutions to the problem. Life ain’t fare, I’m single been for 10 years, the girl I used to love has a baby with someone else. It’s just part of life. Just stay buisy it’ll keep your mind off the bs.

  2. > How the hell do y’all do this?

    We just suffer through it and hope that eventually it gets better. Sorry you’re going through so much. Maybe you can find a WFH gig, would prevent getting sick so often.

  3. Sorry you’re having a rough time. Unfortanately life is unfair, chaotic, and just sucks sometimes. Best you can do is stay busy to take your mind off your ex, the job is a job you’ll find another, and spend more time with your mom.

  4. It sucks and she wasn’t the one for you. But she didn’t wanna be in it and you shouldn’t want someone to force themselves to be with you.

    Now, find a way out of your victimization and work hard to salvage the pieces. Through every night comes a day.

  5. im sorry 😞❤️‍🩹 life can be very hard, but i sincerely believe we will be rewarded for the hard times one way or another. i know its hard to stay positive in situations like this, but its going to be okay ❤️

  6. Make sure you get a fitted n95 and merv 13 air filters. And find someone who cares about you

  7. Keep on keeping on as hard as that is. And be thankful that you know she can’t handle the hard stuff now and saw her way out.

  8. Was there any sign that this was about to happen?

    I think the way I would deal with it is to realize you just dodged a bullet with her. You would not have been able to count on her in the future during hard times.

    She has to know what you’re going through. Regardless of if she wants to date you or not, I would think she would at least care for you enough as a person to wait until a time where you aren’t already being put through the ringer.

  9. I’m sorry your going through all this. That sucks. Things in my life are bad right before something great happens. I hope the same for you.

  10. This is going to be the most harshest thing I say, but you just have to keep on going no matter how hard it gets. I used to think that people I thought I could rely on would be there and people would give me the benefit of the doubt of my situations and help me. Wrong. I was basically told to fuck off. All you can do is to keep on going for the sake of yourself and for your mother. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through and I can’t imagine how hard it must be, well for some parts since I can relate to some parts of your problems, but I believe in you and I know you can do this. Be there for your mother and fix your life first. I’m sure you can definitely find a job! The girlfriend part will kinda have to come later on as harsh as it sounds. You got this

  11. This seems to be a recurring theme lately… things get rough and instead of helping the situation they jet. It’s happened to me a few times and when it does I always tell myself if she can’t handle the hard times, she doesn’t deserve the good times!
    Now is the time to realize nobody will save you.. you have the strength! Do your best with every decision you make and things WILL turn out OK!!

  12. First off I quit dating to focus on myself. Other then that I don’t know some days.

  13. It sucks man, and this ain’t gonna help much but at least she showed her true colors. That can be a blessing and will have saved you a lot of time and heartache down the road. Take time now to focus on you and deal with the other situations you have on your plate.

  14. Sadly that’s life, when you need people the most they are typcially nowhere to be seen

  15. Here’s the thing boss. Generally speaking, women don’t have the patience to deal with a man’s struggles. Why do you think the top trait that women seek is stability?

    This is also why on dating apps most women seek the same top 10% of men. Have you ever talked to them? It’s hilarious! The internet has 3s and 4s thinking they’re 9s and 10s because Joe Studmuffin and his buddies all swiped right on them, banged them, and threw them back to the curb. It usually takes about a year or so of getting ragged out for them to realize it. THEN they “SETTLE” for guys IN or slightly above their league. (Never less)

    You literally have obese women turning down guys that are decently attractive, with good jobs and great personality because he too is fat….not fatter than her, just a little chunky. But girl, you’re fat too. Yeah but I can do better 🤣🤣

    There’s no point in getting mad, bitter, or upset about any of it. Just realize that majority of women aren’t going to spend years training with a guy, hoping he’ll be a star one day. They’re going to wait at the finish line after he’s done all the work.

    Work on yourself. Hit the gym, focus on your health, and continue to climb the ladder of success.

    Quite honestly, dating after 30 (for a man) is SUPER easy. All the women who didn’t give you a chance in your 20s will be struggling to get a man to even glance their way. Meanwhile, you’ll be drowning in beautiful women.

    Dating for a woman after 30 is hell 🤣🤣🤣 most of them look ragged out or are single mothers. Meanwhile you’ll be beating women off you with a stick. Don’t go setting for a ragged out model who didn’t appreciate you during your struggles. Get you a new Ferrari that appreciates your hard work and everything you bring to the table.

    Small disclaimer…not every woman is like this, but most of them are. Especially in metropolitan cities. If you get one of the rare ones, stick with her and never let her go.

    Just know that a woman wants stability, protection, and a man to solve all of her problems. She doesn’t want YOUR problems. Once you know and accept the game, they’ll gravitate to you.

  16. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s finally coming together. Maybe the person you’re supposed to be with will support you at a difficult time and you will know who your true friend is or that great job is just around the corner. You can’t change anyone else’s health condition but you can still bring positivity into their life and make them smile. People will always gravitate to a happy person so you aim to be that person.

  17. Same thing happened to me. She left me when I needed her love most. I never recovered. It wasn’t necessarily because of the break up, more so the realization that “this is your life,” I’m sorry. I really wish I could help you to the point where your problems would disappear

  18. One day at a time. One foot in front of the other. Remember to eat. Get good sleep. Just keep moving forward, whether it’s a crawl or a trot.

    And vent here 🙂

  19. move on. Woman are cruel don’t cry online put ur big boy pants on and deal with it. She ain’t the one and she’s proven it now .

  20. Dude mine did the same and waited till I was out of state for work and to see my son to break up with me

  21. Just remember as quickly as things change for the worst, they can change for the better. I wish you the best and I’m sorry you and your mother have to go through this. Best of wishes to you both!

  22. You are not out just down. Tell her no real friend would dump you when you are down. Just text her saying goodbye. Block her. You will bounce back better

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