I typically see this in a lot of Western Media and wonder if its an actual thing many Americans say or just an old TV trope.

  1. I’ve never said it. My father never said it. I never heard any of my grandfathers say it when I was co-living with them. AFAIK, it’s a trope.

  2. All the time. To which no one answers because I’m single af and live alone. Fml

  3. Old TV trope that I’ve done as a joke, but never seriously. Never seen anyone else do it seriously either, haha

  4. Never heard it unironically. It is a TV thing that some people occasionally say as a joke specifically referencing that TV thing.

    It’s just a reason for a spouse to come to the front room in sitcoms that had like 3 sets. They wouldn’t have the camera angles or sets to follow the arriving partner as they go find their spouse, so they shouted something to bring the spouse into the current room for the scene instead.

  5. My wife has done it a few times jokingly. I often give a loud “Hello my love!” when I come in the door.

  6. You see this in a lot of American TV shows? I see this as a trope on mainly old sitcoms, but most shows don’t do this.

  7. >wonder if its an actual thing many Americans say or just an old TV trope

    it is an actual thing we might say as a jokey reference to old TV tropes bc Americans are aware of old TV tropes in the same way you are.

  8. We are required by the state to say it every time we come home from work. Doesn’t matter if you are single or in a relationship. There is a three strike rule after which you are fined and have to self report to prison for a 13 month stay. But it is okay as it is a minimum security prison.

  9. I’ll sometimes say it to my coworkers walking into the office in the morning

  10. Never. My house is not that big, my husband can hear when I come home without me shouting about it.

  11. I’ve only ever said it in a joking way. Like to scare my friends by bursting into the room suddenly. It’s an old TV thing.

  12. I don’t know about you guys but I regularly bust into my house and say “Lucy… you got some ‘splainin to do!”

  13. I say it often when I come home, but jokingly – purposely loud and cheerful.

  14. Gotta announce it loudly if you want that live tv audience to give you an applause!

  15. Now I say, “Alexa, I’m home!”
    DH says, “Mail’s in.” bc he brings in the mail from the mailbox.

  16. I say it a lot, but that’s because my parents always released an exasperated sigh when they got home and I’m trying to be more optimistic than them.

  17. My dad used to actually say this whenever he’d come home from work, so people who claim this never happens, it doesn’t apply to everyone.

  18. I work from home. From now on, when I finish my work for the day, I’m going to merrily step down the stairs to the first floor and announce, “Honey, I’m home.”

  19. I say a version of that loudly when I know my wife is home when I get there. That way if she’s in another room of the house she knows the sound she just heard of some one coming in the house was me.

    She used to live in a rough area.

  20. My wife and I both announce our arrival home like in the old TV shows, but mainly as a running joke

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