How do Americans think about their country in 2023?

How much of old 1960-70s democracy and capitalism still exist in US? The American Dream! Or is it fully just occupied by corporations?

Whats the take on it by Americans in current timeframe? Can corporations handled not to be major factor for government decisions?

  1. Corporations are people! Employers are technological service abstractions! The country is thoroughly fucked in the head.

  2. Capitalism means that the means of production are owned by capitalists, private owners looking to make profit. The US is capitalist. Economic power being concentrated into the hands of a few is just what happens in a capitalist society

  3. Our economy is a capitalist one but it is regulated by the government to prevent monopolies and such. The proper amount of regulation is widely debated.

  4. Capitalism is merely a market economy where the means of production are privately owned. That definitely still applies in the United States. Desired amount of regulation or service provision varies.

  5. Not sure what the difference is capitalism naturally leads to corporate monopolies that can highly influence government.

  6. It’s both? The vast majority of companies in the US are small businesses. The majority of employees working in private businesses work for corporate. Anything you’re gonna see at your standard store is typically run by a corporation. Corporations have the funds to lobby.

  7. The extent to which some Americans will double down on a system that has kept wages stagnant while productivity multiplied just since 1979 is the weirdest case of Stockholm Syndrome I’ve ever seen.

  8. I’m just confused at the question. Democracy and capitalism are mutually exclusive, same with corruption. The US is capitalist with a bit of government involvement, but not as much as the EU. Is there corruption? Yeah there’s corruption in every system. Do companies have some say in what goes? Yeah that’s lobbying for you. Is it all power held in the corps hands like some Night City simulator? No, the people’s choice still vastly outweighs the power of lobbying. For example, China is very capitalist but is in no way a democracy. With Mexico, there is capitalism but there’s also rampant corruption.

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