Lately my boyfriend has been having this weird “horny sleep-walking” episodes where he wakes me up in the middle of the night by initiating sex. He says he is not aware of it until he wakes up in the middle of sex. Sometimes he also gets more aggressive and wakes me up by pushing my face towards his dick to give him a blowjob. When he wakes up he thinks I was the one that initiated it and says he didn’t even wanted to have sex. This is ruining my sleep and I’m scared that he is not aware of him doing this and it might happen again in a different context. Has this happened to anyone? Do you know what might be causing this episodes?

  1. Sounds kinda sus if you ask me, but I don’t know enough about him to say whether its real or an excuse to violate a sleeping person.

  2. Is he on any medication? I had a friend who took ambien to help himself sleep and the next morning his wife was beaming about the sex they had the night before. He had no recollection.

  3. This happened to me years ago. I’d be dead asleep and have a “naughty” waking dream where I would do things to my wife. The “dream” were extremely vivid so one day I asked her if she noticed anything (she’s a heavy sleeper) and she said that she had woken up once to me getting intimate with her.

  4. This is a real issue that happens as a primal instinct or a wet dream. All I can say is take him to see a doctor if you want it to stop.

  5. That’s sexsomnia and it’s an actual reason to go to a doctor to figure out what’s going on.

  6. I (32m) used to do this at least a couple of times a month. Never aggressively though. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of intercourse or sometimes I would wake up early on with my hand down there playing with her. I also have narcolepsy so idk if that played any role in it or not.

  7. My ex used to do this and it was very very rough. It was actually one of the reasons we broke up because at some point it was getting scary. I truly 100% believe him when he says he has no idea he was doing it. He’s not that kind of guy to take advantage of me. It made him so guilty that he slept under a separate blanket and we started sleeping in separate rooms. I’d tell him what happened and he would cry and apologize. It seemed so debilitating for him.

  8. I do this. It’s weird waking up during sex but I don’t fully wake up all the time and can’t remember having sex. But my wife says I’ll do it consistently for a while then there’s a break in between and then start again.

  9. I used to feel up my wife in my sleep, squeezing her ass, that sort of thing. Was completely unaware I was doing anything but one day she mentioned that I sometimes do this – as in, I had done it on multiple occasions.

    ETA: just asked my wife if I still do this and she says I probably would if I still could. She is so propped up with pillows now and basically has a physical barrier.

  10. My bf does the exact same thing. He always thinks it was me that started something cause he doesn’t remember. He often will grab my hand when he’s sleeping and put it on his dick. Or grab me and shove my head down for a bj. If I’m real lucky he’ll start fingering me in his sleep. I fucking love it.

  11. Medications can make this happen. It’s something he should see a medical professional about.

  12. I had those episodes.They started when I began working in a bakery so I had to wake up at 04:00 am.My sleep habits were turn upside down. It’s normal to have those episodes when that happens. For me going to bed early did the trick. My ex used to love those episodes 🤣

    Hope it helps

  13. It happens to me frequently, my gf likes it so its not a problem but i can imagine how bad it can be on different scenarios

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